I've fallen a bit behind myself a few days ago, had to set aside some time for catching up.
I've fallen a bit behind myself a few days ago, had to set aside some time for catching up.
As a left-hander myself, playing Liberation Maiden for an extended period of time was a bad idea. My wrist was bothering me for hours after.
Never had sushi, but I like cake.
Guess that's another reason why it's kind of a bad idea to switch developers between games.
Well I'm probably just going about it the wrong way but whenever I click on someone's page to see their videos, I have to specify 'uploads' otherwise it's just listing some random playlists.
I used to think that the current DK was actually DK Jr. just grown up, especially since I read somewhere that Cranky Kong was actually the DK that appeared in the arcade game. Then I read somewhere else that it wasn't true.
I like the Gamecube controller, though the PS2's was pretty good too.
Well that's just an odd decison to make, can't even begin to comprehend the reasoning behind it.
Don't listen to many podcasts, just don't have enough time. Wish I did though.
Alas, suffering from severe disposable cash depletion at the moment. Really wish I could take advantage of these deals.