Telepathically, in fact.
Telepathically, in fact.
We talk about this game in the upcoming podcast. Keep an eye out for it. It's a sandbox title, if you didn't know. That means you play in the sand. Sometimes developers use the sand in the sandbox to blind gamers. And executives. I think the person who came up with the term "Sandbox" used the sand in the sandbox to blind someone. It's such a dirty, soiled "genre" now. =D
I was thinking about buying this on Chris's PSN account, but ever since I heard of the DRM, I ruled it out. Too bad for Capcom, I suppose.
These costumes are definitely clever, but I still hate having to choose between one or the other with this kind of thing.
That said, I checked, and according to wikipedia, Freddy Krueger is classified as a "Dream Murderer." Since that's the case, how would one classify Freddy Kruebear?
Hooray! Listener mail! We had quite a bit of fun with Zap's mail, I think I speak for all of us when I say I'm glad he sent it in. Thanks!
That's true... Still, I'm just glad I've got the means to play the game, regardless. I love the MvC games.
I never like it when game companies offer differing exclusives. Whether the Ford Bronco from GameStop and the Dodge Viper from Best Buy are exclusives or just unlocked quicker than normal, Activision hasn't said, so I suppose we'll have to wait until Blur gets a little closer to launch to find out.
I'm really surprised to hear about Capcom's charity efforts. Honestly, it seems like a clever, tricky way to convince people to demo their game, while at the same time, it's genuinely something positive, too.
So I've played a little bit of the game, granted, only the single player modes, and so far my reaction has been "Meh." I'm going to play the two-player arena mode with Chris today, and maybe we'll hop online and play together in some sort of group there, to get a feel for how that works.
I really wish the two-player split-screen options allowed you to play a version of the online mode offline, though. For some reason, before the game came out, I was under the impression four player split-screen would be available, but it appears I was incorrect.
I love the Versus games. I had a great time with Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and I'm already excited for Marvel vs Capcom 3. I find my Wii the most accessible home console I have (There's one in my room, vs. a PS3 downstairs on a shared television with Chris and my other roommate), so I hope there's a Wii version of MvC3 out there. The art style certainly reminds me of some parts of TvC, so I won't give up hope on that happening.
The rest of the news was great, too. Capcom looks like they might have an amazing E3 presence this year. I'm excited to see what they'll bring to the show.