Bleh, touch controls with Minish Cap sounds awful.
Bleh, touch controls with Minish Cap sounds awful.
I would be up for Titanfall, but my XBL expires the day it comes out and I don't really feel like shelling out the cash for it and another XBL card. I'll wait for a discount on both of those.
Dynasty Warriors games are awesome
I'd definitely buy it again. Not at $60, but if they released it at $40 or it went on sale then, that would be worth it with how great that game was.
VII is the only Final Fantasy game I've ever beat, got sidetracked or (more often) bored with the rest I've played. Hoping when I get around to X and XII that'll change things. Monster Hunter, Beyond Good and Evil, and Ni No Kuni would also fit this.
Before I would have said Knights of the Old Republic 3, but with EA acquiring the rights to use Star Wars games, it's pretty likely they'll put Bioware on that. So I'll go with a good Crash Bandicoot sequel.
I actually have seen Polygon bitch over South Park, but that's over how you can't play as a girl which is equally stupid. Honestly though, the reason it hasn't gone beyond that is because Matt and Trey have a reputation of making fun of people they don't like. See Mel Gibson, Rob Reiner, and Barbara Streisand.
And these are just people who didn't do a thing to the guys, can you imagine if anyone called them a misogynist? I mean, this is how they made fun of Tom Cruise before he said anything about the show:
This is how they made fun of Tom Cruise after he went off on them for poking fun at him:
Now, if the gaming media attacked these guys unprovoked, I can't even imagine how Matt and Trey would retaliate. They say some of the stupidest shit I've ever read, but they know to let those guys have their Nazi zombie aborted fetuses, dungeon up a gay whore's ass, and Rod of Major Boobage.
I sent an email. I know I have Rotorob, but this sounds like something I would prefer to that site if I can't juggle both of them. Also, imagine drunk podcasts of the two of us arguing which is the best Saints Row game.
Destiny's top of my list, looks so damn great. Out of the rest, I'm definitely picking up Arkham Knight and will probably give The Division a go.
I made that mistake too. Got into a firefight and was like a slideshow. Great game otherwise.