I agree on the system seller bit - it certainly is. I think it just comes down to easy money and leaving it on the DS fits the bill. Plus, I'm sure they're already cooking up a 3DS Pokemon - so that'll move systems when it releases.
I agree on the system seller bit - it certainly is. I think it just comes down to easy money and leaving it on the DS fits the bill. Plus, I'm sure they're already cooking up a 3DS Pokemon - so that'll move systems when it releases.
I've been thinking about this for a while and I think your blog pretty much convinces me of the point - Ocarina of Time is the Citizen Kane of gaming. Everyone will always point to that film as the poster child for movies as art and I think Ocarina of Time is its parallel in the gaming world.
As we discussed in the podcast, art is a very personal thing, but for me, and I think others who endorse games as art, Ocarina of Time will be the game to go down in the history books as the first true piece of art in gaming. Ultimately, I think all games are art, but much like Citizen Kane, that will be the defining piece.
In regards to your question, I don't think I ever really thought about the art question until much later down the line. I played Ocarina of Time at release and had an amazing and engrossing experience that I'll never forget, but I never considered it to be art because that wasn't something that was important to me at the time.
It wasn't until video games were challenged as not being art that I really began to take an interest in the topic. To me it was always a foregone conclusion - of course games are art. They take lots of talented people all contributing their creative vision to make, and a director at the helm to tie it all together into a cohesive experience. If Shigeru Miyamoto isn't considered an artist, we need to throw the word in the garbage - he may as well be the Michelangelo of our time.
I think since I've become more cognizant of the debate, it becomes easier to point at things and regard them as art. Child of Eden immediately comes to mind for me. For all intents and purposes, it's a shmup, but the images displayed on the screen combined with the music made that a moving experience for me in a way I don't think I can express in words. I tried, trust me, I did, but it went deeper than I could convey in a simple review.
Okami was another gorgeous game that completely transported me to another world and I know that Fragile Dreams had an unbelievable impact on Chessa. These experiences will stick with us forever and I have to consider them art, because no creative vision that touches you in that way could be considered anything else.
I'm guessing Nintendo doesn't want to port the engine. This will sell regardless, so yeah.
I'm not a fan of this game from a gameplay perspective - I felt it really watered down the challenge presented in past iterations. Pretty game to look at, but I never finished it because I lost interest.
Way more excited for this than I reasonably should be. Love Persona 3 and Persona 4 was also great (though not quite as great as 3).
Kick ass news. Also, I love that Xenoblade box art, absolutely gorgeous.
Oh, and the Kawashima is absolutely terrifying and I don't know why.
Yeah, I can agree with that. Seems like the right thing to do at this point, considering that neither of the games are the latest in their respective series. I view these offerings as part deal, part venue to sell the latest games in the series.
This is a great way to drum up new game sales long after games are out of print. It's good for the consumer and for the company. Of course, this will only further drop the used game costs, but it gives players a great, viable option to purchase new, get a great deal, and endorse the publisher/developer.
I'm still excited that we can have a real headline that contains both "coming" and "Seaman".
I'm totally surprised... No, seriously, I can't believe it...