I'm kind of curious about that Mario Kart game you speak of now. This coming year, I can't wait for Chocobo GP!
I'm kind of curious about that Mario Kart game you speak of now. This coming year, I can't wait for Chocobo GP!
Online play isn't as smooth as it is on Xbox or PlayStation. They don't have anything like Game Pass or PS+. Stuff like that. Very bare bones.
Nintendo just posted a new Kirby trailer! That's cool that your oldest son loves game history.
Pretty good that you were able to already beat The Great Ace Attorney. I'm still working on the second set of cases. Just started the third one right now.
The 'emoji' as you called them in Mario Kart 7 is actually called a 'Mii.'
I'm not a big fan of strategy games so I will skip out on Advance Wars Reboot Camp. One neat thing about the game, though, is that WayForward is developing it!
If you ever get a chance, listen to my podcast and you'll see how much of a history I have with the TMNT arcade and SNES games. I mean, you might be able to guess why we came up with the name of the podcast. I really hope I can play Shredder's Revenge with my brother Jeff when it comes out.
This is just a theory, but I imagine the new TMNT release has more to do with Dotemu not wanting it to cannbalize on their other releases. For instance, right now Windjammers 2 is coming out, so they don't want to release anything else of theirs to divide market share.
Yeah I just really liked New Pokemon Snap. Ys 9 and The Great Ace Attorney were also close picks, but I felt New Pokemon Snap was more accessible to all in the end. Ys 8 is a very good game, too. I hope you get a chance to try it!
I kind of wanted to play the Cat Quest games but they just slipped by me. Can't play everything out there! I did review CrisTales a while back.
I wanted to review Cyber Shadow but was denied a review code, so I didn't play it.
I asked for Super Mario 3-D World + Bowser's Fury for my birthday because I didn't want to spend full price on it. Bowser's Fury is fun, but it's just a over-glorified Mario Odyssey level. Glad I didn't pay full price for that.
Since you read my GOTY blog, you know I picked New Pokemon Snap as my GOTY for 2021. I just really liked it!
I reviewed Yoku's Island Express back in the day and loved it. One of the best indie games I've played in a while. Here's my review:
WarioWare: Get it Together is a bit light on content, but still fun.
I'm still playing through the second set of cases in The Great Ace Attorney. Such a great game. It came real close to being my GOTY, along with Ys 9.
Unfortunately Metroid Dread has fallen a few pegs because I can't beat that last boss. I even looked up a guide and it said there were three phases, and I can't even get past the first one! Sheesh! I didn't have that much trouble with the other bosses. Making the final boss ten times harder is just bad imbalanced game design. No thank you.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom was such a great game but it got a little too hard around the volcano and haunted house levels.
I kind of want to try the Castlevania GBA collection, but I'm not a big fan of Castlevania so I may wait for a price drop like I did with the other Konami collections.
The newer Rayman games have been pretty good, with very solid play control.
I'm working on reviewing Shovel Knight: Pocket Dungeon right now! It's fun, but a bit too hard. Kind of like the first game!