I've played all of these. Great games.
I've played all of these. Great games.
that was the first Xmen comic I ever read, that one where she gets changed. I love that arc.
yeah Invisibles is fucked up. I loved it though. I haven't read it for like seven years or so, and I lost my copies of it, but I often go on Amazon and add them to my cart but don't ever purchase them. It was a good series.
maybe I'm thinking of the invisibles. I seem to remember some sort of terrible debauchery, but now that I think of it, it wasn't Sandman, it was the Invisibles.
graphics look great. I always wanted to get into one of these games. Maybe when I get a Vita....I like playing my TRPG's on handhelds.
Astro City is remarkably good. A good spin on things. the rest of the stuff you namedropped is great too. I remember there being some naughty nudity in Sandman though.... ... and definitely in the Invisibles too, which i love but like Sandman can get pretty violent.
I'm really glad you are working on your game. I haven't had time for mine lately, boo me. But I'll get to it. Working on my Batman project when i get free moments.
HAwkeye looks pretty sexy there, I do admit.
whoah, never even heard of a star trek vector based game!
thank god this computer doesn't have smell-o-vision.
this is cool, but it needs a vaguer, more confusing, abstract, mind-fucking ending.
I think more metal groups should try dressing in pastels.