a console release would be awesome! I don't know console gaming has changed so much... every sort of game came out for the PS2, but it seems like so many Japanese games aren't localized anymore. It's really sad.
a console release would be awesome! I don't know console gaming has changed so much... every sort of game came out for the PS2, but it seems like so many Japanese games aren't localized anymore. It's really sad.
I don't think they're dead yet. New games are coming out like the recent Rainbow Moon for PSN, and the Banner Saga:
I would kill for a sequel to either Tactics games, and I don't know why there aren't any because there's a rabid fanbase. Square just is stupid, as we all know.
I think there is a new FFT coming to iOS. If you didn't know, FFT was released for iOS last year and they've since updated the sprites and stuff so it looks pretty good on an iPad.
I'm really excited for Destiny, but Halo lost me after 2, which I loved. By the time 3 came out I was kind of burned out on it, and ODST which I didn't like didn't help. Haven't played Reach, but I've considered 4 which I happen to have in my possession but haven't played yet.
It's funny how some series reallty move us with their gameplay and we kind of grow with them. I feel the same way about FF games and HalfLife. I remember when I first played Halflife when I was in my early twenties, and I still haven't gotten over it.
"hate fuck a crowd with magic"
now that's something I would pay to see.
sorry, no song. I'm too lazy and sleepy for youtube right now.
well, it's cool, characters at this point are going to get wiped, so it's worth waiting until the last beta phase (where characters still might get wiped) or the retail release. it is fun though.
I just bought Far Cry 3. It was on sale on Amazon for $20. Pretty good price point. I have often considered getting ZoE, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. Glad you're almost done there!
wow, I didn't know you could do all those things! That's exciting. I must have missed something.
What is the name of your character in Ul'Dah? I'm going to start playing it in the next hour. I also ordered a PS3 keypad to communicate, and Amazon just conveniently delivered it fifteen minutes ago.
I've always wanted to get into these Might and MAgic games, but this one doesn't seem like it. Would you recommend one for the PC?
hey, I had another unrelated question. What do you do past level 10 in FF XIV? I couldn't find any quests, so I decided to change my class, but now I'm on low levels again. How to you build yourself up past ten? And what else is there to do? I did another combat class, but I think now I'm going to try crafting instead and see how that works.
Microsoft certainly is a bunch of bastards. Honestly though, with the original Xbox and the 360 I started to like them again, after growing up with them being jerks. They had earned a lot of goodwill with me and their gaming policies, but now that has all gone down the drain and I am pretty fed up with them. I will probably still buy an Xbox One eventually, but the Kinect features make me ill. I don't need or want Kinect.