Psh, you're totally stealing my ideas with PB & Jason! Paying attention to the community?! I called that one!
Psh, you're totally stealing my ideas with PB & Jason! Paying attention to the community?! I called that one!
Biggest ego is best ego.
Psh! I know that! I just know that people like to push limits. If I say 620, they go 640. If I say 640, they go 720!
Seriously, though, I knew that. I just could have sworn you recommended 620 one time at some point, anyway. I suppose everyone can have 20 free pixels. Fine!
Eh, not quite good enough. Talk about how his code smells funny or something.
On a different note, I never played P.N.03. It always looked interesting, but was something people didn't seem to receive well. Watching that video, it looks like it's up my alley. I'm gonna have to start looking for a used copy soon.
Thanks for letting me know. Maybe next time I won't phone in on figuring out who's who. >.>
And great. Now Nick is gonna name another kid after himself. Nice one.
Hey! Marvel aren't the only ones who do that! DC does it too!
Indie games are an interesting idea, but it can be tough to find some of the better ones out there. I'd recommend people email me or PixlBit in general to recommend one of those. Given that some Indie titles are spread out over the far end of the universe, it's tough to keep track of them all. My email address is "jason" and of course, I'm at
JD's been pretty fond of ZombiU. I imagine he might like doing something along those lines.
Crafting is fine, but I don't mean just forging new weapons. I mean that if you want to fight a monster and lay some traps, it means going to an area, scavenging for the items, and then hoping the RNG gives you the right ones, then only being able to pick up a limited supply of those items at once, and then going back to the hub area.Want a mega potion? You have to go to a place you can gather honey, and gather once for each mega potion you want. In Tri on the Wii, every once in a while, they'd put honey for sale in the online shop, but most of the time, you had to farm for the items to craft in a pretty dull way by the time you reach later points in the game. The problem would be resolved by increasing the variety of items in the shops, but that didn't happen vastly enough.
That said, if you liked the formula of the PSP game, from what I've read, all the basic-style missions are still in it. Just be aware that most people who play online will only want to play those missions to knock them out of the way in the path of bigger things unless they specifically need to gather supplies to replenish their stocks.