I dig a good O.o; and my FFXI roots cause me to use ^.^ a lot.
Great additions, Nick. Keep 'em comin'!
I dig a good O.o; and my FFXI roots cause me to use ^.^ a lot.
Great additions, Nick. Keep 'em comin'!
D came out on 3DO, Saturn, and PSX.
We'll get along just fine, you and I.
You said the magic words. I retract my demand of repayment.
I clicked this blog expecting a story about wayward bowels. You deceived me, sir. I demand a refund!
Man, P.N. O3 looked so awesome when the Capcom Five were announced. I'd love to know what went wrong in the development cycle.
And Dead Phoenix sure did look like a 3D sequel to Legendary Wings. I wish that one hadn't been cancelled.
I'd just like to say that I'm pro nudity all the time.
You bring up some amazing points. Commenting on staff content definitely helps. It made me sad towards the end of 1up when Jeremy would put together an amazing editorial and it would get less than 10 comments. It made me think that a smaller site like ours was doomed.
Blogging definitely gets everyone's creative juices flowing. It's lit a fire under my ass, not only to come up with new content for the front page but to start blogging again, myself. The activity these past few days is amazing, and we all feel a lot of pressure to keep things going so all of you new members don't get bored and wander off.
And like I said when I rolled out the welcome mat, each and every user has the ability to help PixlBit grow and change. We love feedback. Don't agree with an article? Tell us--we love a civil debate. Want to see a feature become a regular thing on the site? Let us know. Also, spreading the word can do wonders. Hit that like button, tweet things you want people to see. Rate and review our podcasts on iTunes if you enjoy them.
But above all, keep blogging and talking to each other. We're a small team, but I think we're doing our best to read everything, so we have a good sense of feedback and where we need to improve. I know Nick is working on tightening up the graphics on level 3 as we speak.
Thank you so much! It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun to put together. I have a companion editorial going up soon, and I hope it sparks some great FF talk.