This is the first time I heard Sodom before. These dudes rock! I really liked Invocating the Demons. I'm definitely gonna check out some more of their stuff. I hope your having a great Memorial Day!
This is the first time I heard Sodom before. These dudes rock! I really liked Invocating the Demons. I'm definitely gonna check out some more of their stuff. I hope your having a great Memorial Day!
I was about to say it looks great for a GBC game lol. Is this survival horror? Or more like Point and Click? Kinda looks like an early Resident Evil.
I was interested in Ni No Kuni untill I read Sgt Dawkin's review of it. I'm extremely picky when it comes to rpgs. I'm glad your digging it though. There ain't nothing like getting a new game. The backlog will always be there. Well, hopefully not always lol.
I used to have that issue of Mad. I shouldn't have gotten rid of those things. There was another one about some guy's obsession with Lara Croft. It was pretty funny.
Man this game sounds really cool. I haven't played too many of these types, but I loved the air combat levels in Crash Warped on ps1. I'm gonna look into this one more and see if I can find it online or something.
I haven't seen any of the Star Trek movies. Or watched the show for that matter. I probably watched it for a few minutes, but other than that... nah. I keep hearing that this movie is good though.
I get insomnia sometimes too. Like right now for instance lol. I think it's because of this medicine that I'm on. Either that or I shouldn't take naps during the day. I've never played an Animal Crossing game. Cary might kill me for saying that lol. I hope you enjoy your new 3DS.
Happy belated birthday! I think GH might have skipped town or is sneaking about. I read a comment where he said he doesn't feel like blogging anymore. That makes me sad. I don't blame ya on sticking with the 3DS. Microsoft ain't looking too good right about now lol.
I'm gonna have to check out the LGR guy. I have so many fond memories of playing ancient DOS games on an IBM 286. That was our first computer. It sucked, but we loved it. I don't wanna know how those specs would compare to modern pcs lol.
WTF is Tekken Car Tournament? A racing game with Tekken characters? lol. I don't think I could handle being around all those people although it sounds like it was fun.