Its going to be soooo awesome.
Its going to be soooo awesome.
Yea im confused to your leaving pixlbit or just not going to be active or whats up and why this decision im with blake confused. But I do keep up with your heavy metal and horror flix reveiws.
This is true and Rockstar has always made smart moves thats why I like them so much.
I cant remember a release being this exciting actually I think I will get there at 11:00 just to make sure I have a good spot.
We both will for sure and again thanks.
Wow this is very interesting I have a 15 fixing to be 16 year old Daughter she would love it thanks for the heads up.
Wow that is original and very good he really has something here.
IM so sorry that was a bad day for the U.S I lost a few freinds from Buffalo it was a very very tragic day.
My thing is if there online only ea only supports there servers for 3 years after that they close then your stuck with a useless game.
So im guessing todays your birthday SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And I hooe you get everything you want.