Penis camo, day 1. Calling it now.
Penis camo, day 1. Calling it now.
It was due to the Euro conversion rate. Because XBLA games need to be the same price across all regions, they had to assign it a price of 800 regardless of the fact that they're taking a price hit due to the weaker US dollar. They didn't on PSN, so they were planning to charge US PSN members the full boat price to make up for conversion.
Pretty stupid.
Agreed, this is ridiculous. Of course PSN players want the same price as XBLA ones.
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As a counterpoint, random battles aren't so great because they remove choice from the player. While you may ultimately need to engage in a battle, you may not want to at that given moment. With random battles, you have no choice, the battle starts when the game says and they occur however often the game decides. With non-random battles that choice is in your hands.
Grinding is a whole separate matter, but I don't really have a problem with it if the battle system is interesting enough and the battles are non-random.
To answer your question about the dungeons, no they aren't first person here. They moved to third person to keep up with the times. Movement is a bit awkward though. Not sure how to describe it, but it just doesn't feel right.
Nope, definitely not. If you want to get into the Persona series, I still say P3: FES is the best way to do it. I know lots of people liked 4 better, but I thought 3 trumped it with its characters, story, setting, and certain gameplay designs.
P3: FES is probably the best starting point for the MegaTen series as well, though you may be a bit let down by the others when you get to them because P3: FES is so good. I've enjoyed the Devil Summoner games quite a bit and Persona 1, but Nocturne wasn't doing it for me. Still have to play Digital Devil Saga... one day.
In terms of battle mechanics, it's mostly like any other PlayStation era RPG. It bears some similarities to 3 & 4, but it's nowhere near as interactive or fun. Visually it does look like Devil Survivor and that's mostly because your characters randomly move around the screen as they attack, but it has no bearing on the gameplay.
I got the game digitally, so no soundtrack on the side, but what's in game is great. It aligns closely with the rest of Shoji Meguro's work, but I still think 3 and 4 had the best soundtracks.
I love Brave Fencer Musashi.
Orlando isn't too bad of a location for a good bit of Florida - not sure if I'll be able to get a babysitter, but I'd sure love to go to this.
Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in about Dead Space. I don't find Resident Evil scarier, I just think 4 (which Dead Space clearly takes inspiration from) is a much better game. Dead Space was a game about being scary and it failed at that for me because it was obvious when the monster was going to jump out from the shadows. Resident Evil 4 is not about that, which allows it to be a much better game.
More to come as I continue to listen. Oh and Chessa and I were about to start Heavy Rain, but now I doubt she'll want to play it based on that Jason bit. She's going to lose it when that situation occurs.
Romance in video games doesn't work for me. Especially in BioWare games. While they give you choice, the choices rarely reflect how I feel, so there's a huge disconnect for me. Plus I find that they give me too many instances to make choices. Sometimes I don't want to think about every little thing, just let me move on and continue to play the game.
I said it before and I'll say it again - stories are pretty inconsequential for me in games. Every game rarely takes its own story seriously, so I have a hard time paying them any respect. Usually they function as a means to push the game along and that's all.