Those images of Super Metroid are freaking hilarious! They also make me sad. They couldn't even figure out the most basic things like how to use the morph ball or open red doors?! WTF has this generation come to?
Those images of Super Metroid are freaking hilarious! They also make me sad. They couldn't even figure out the most basic things like how to use the morph ball or open red doors?! WTF has this generation come to?
This certainly looks a lot better than RE 6 lol. I hope they do a good job on it too. I'd definitely be interested in the PS3 version of it.
I wouldn't worry so much about your backlog. If your tired of it, than take a break and find some other way to occupy your time. There's more to life than games. I need to beat the original Metroid too. I don't think I've ever done it without the Justin Bailey code.
I thought the demo for RK was fun, but I'd rather just stick to the Genesis version. Give me sprites over 3D models any day. The only Blood Rayne game I played was on the ps1 way back when, and I don't remember anything about it. Betrayal looks cool though. You probably couldn't have picked two vastly different games to review lol.
I couldn't stop laughing thinking about this new "system." What a sick joke. I don't watch tv or sports, and I can't even connect my ps3 due to the way my internet is setup. There's still plenty of current gen stuff left to play. If I ever invest in a new system, I'll just get a PC.
Don't forget that the first F-Zero is far superior to the Xbox One also. Then again so is garbage lol.
I read that it comes with a 500 GB hard drive and you can't swap it out. It has a usb port for an external hard drive so there's that at least.
I'm with ya Larry. I think I may be done with modern gaming. Other than buying random stuff off Steam. I've been trying to focus on completing my NES and SNES collection lately. I've noticed that prices are going up.
hey! I could use a juicer... but I think I'd rather just buy one over this piece of trash.
yeah, but what about overheating? It seems like it'd get hot if you had a bunch of other stuff on top of it or around it.