I hate when companies do this stuff because I hate having to input my information into every single online store instead of the couple that I actually use on a day to day basis.
I hate when companies do this stuff because I hate having to input my information into every single online store instead of the couple that I actually use on a day to day basis.
Same here. I have wanted one since I played NIntendo Land at the in-laws. Now there are plenty of great games and I just really want it.
I hear that the controls are problem in the DS game. I hope that I won't have a problem because I will be playing it on the 3DS which has a analog stick thing... unlike the regular DS.
Thanks. I don't know if I agree with every one of their choices, but I cannot come up with a suitable alternative.
I don't think that there is a BaD choice to be made there. I enjoyed both, it just depends whether or not your in the mood for an FPS at the moment or not. Since Killzone had more critical acclaim than Blackgate it should be easier to digest so you may want to start there.
From all that i have read over the past week, this game does sound awesome. There are some things that I am still not sold on... like the fact that it is only an online-multiplayer experience.
I wanted to ensure that the previous owners weren't the funny types to name their characters poo and turd and shit or something else that would be hilarious.
It was pretty much a silent and live auction with a fancier name.
Bungie seems to make the only competetive online multiplayer that I enjoy. So, yes I am excited about this game.
I suppose that with Sony's poor treatment of the Vita it should be a surprise that they were able to sell me one. It is probably a bigger surprise that it is one of my favourite systems. I don't regret the purchase at all.