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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 116

BaD 2018: Goals For 2018: Staying Away From Social Media "Discussions"

Posted on 03/01/2018 at 01:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll admit I do enjoy arguing politics to a certain degree, but in the social media age it's over the top, what with all the usual insults and the odd threat of civil war here and there. For those who have scrubbed their timelines of stuff like that, good for them. I mostly keep up with my family and with 1UP alumni on social media. I actually deleted my Twitter accound and have no intention of making another account on Twitter. I think it's probably the worst non-pornographic site on the Internet, and there are a lot of porno sites that are more respectable than Twitter is, LOL.

BaD 2016: Everything and Everyone Dies

Posted on 03/01/2018 at 01:30 AM | Filed Under Blogs

RPGs are my favorite genre. I've been into them since Ultima III and Dragon Warrior in the 80s, but it was Final Fantasy VI and especially FFVII that really made the genre my favorite. The problem with this genre being my favorite is that even short RPGs tend to be longer than most other games, so that makes playing all of them difficult, as well as revisiting favorite RPGs.

That said, my favorite overall series is the Zelda series.

BaD 2017 & 2018: Year (Yakuza) Zero

Posted on 03/01/2018 at 12:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

2017 was great gamingwise for me even though I didn't play a lot of games. You know how much I loved Breath of the Wild, and the Switch in general. Persona 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 were great RPGs. Yakuza 0 was the first game I bought that year. I also really enjoyed FFXII The Zodiac Age. It took a game I already loved and made it even better. I kinda want Sonic Mania. Tekken 7 I'll pick up eventually. I just wish Sega would make a Virtua Fighter 6, LOL.

2017 started off really bad for me. I left Maryland under rather sad and stressful cirumstances and came to Arizona. Although not perfect, things are a little better now, I met a 1UP alumnus here in Arizona. I also made a new friend in Arizona with whom I've explored the city, Vegas, and the mountains.

This year, I'm really looking forward to Ni no Kuni 2  and Valkyria Chronicles 4. I'm going to get Bayonetta 2 on Switch, and I'm also looking forward to Shining Resonance Refrain, an RPG that was stuck in Japan for awhile but is now being localized for the US on PS4, Switch, and X1.

BaD 2016: Everything and Everyone Dies

Posted on 03/01/2018 at 12:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Gaming in 2016 for me was defined largely by Final Fantasy XV, I also got Odin Sphere Leifthrasir and King of Fighters XIV. One of my favorite unusual gems from that year was Nights of Azure. Another little gem was The 7th Dragon on 3DS. I didn't play Doom on PS4, but I kind of want to get it for the Switch.

2016 wasn't great for me either. I ended up quitting the job that sent me to Maryland because of issues with an out of control employee and because it wasn't paying enough to cover the cost of living in Maryland. I got another job that paid better. I had a lot of conflict in my house. And on top of that, my parents got in a car accident in downtown Phoenix, with my dad ending up in the ICU and my mother blaming herself because she was driving. When I flew out there it was the first time I'd seen my family since I went to Maryland.

Time Warped 1981 - Wizardry

Posted on 03/01/2018 at 12:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Ranger is gonna love this blog.

I played a little bit of Wizardry, but I preferred its competing series, Ultima, for the overhead view overworld and towns. I guess Etrian Odyssey kind of channels the Wizardry vibe these days. Plus there are a few Japanese developers still making Wizardry games.

BaD 2015: In which I actually get a PS4

Posted on 02/27/2018 at 12:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bloodborne was a good game. DOA5LR I tried. It's not a bad fighting game at all, and it's about the closest thing left to Virtua Fighter we have nowadays. :( I played Shantae on Wii U and posted in MiiVerse. If you had a drinking game centered around the number of times someone said "fanservice" on Miiverse, you'd die of alcohol poisoning.

I got a PS4 in 2013, but 2015 was the first year that it had things I really wanted to play. I got Mortal Kombat X, Final Fantasy Type-0, Dragon Quest Heroes, and Fallout 4. Fallout 4 was good, but I felt it was a step down from New Vegas. However, the settlements were kind of fun.

My 2017 Must-Play Games

Posted on 02/27/2018 at 11:47 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I have Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl. Good game that does kind of remind me of Wizardry. Another dungeon crawler on 3DS I really like is The 7th Dragon III Code VFD.

BaD: In which I resurface. Again.

Posted on 02/27/2018 at 11:44 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Black Panther was a good movie, though it follows all the conventions of every other MCU movie I've seen.

BaD #26: 3DS is 7 Years old today

Posted on 02/27/2018 at 11:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The 3DS is a good system. I actually bought more games for it than the original DS. I hope we'll see more 3DS style games migrate onto the Switch. My favorite games on the system are A Link Between Worlds, Pokemon X/Y, and Fire Emblem: Awakening.

BaD 2012 & 2013

Posted on 02/24/2018 at 11:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

2012 was a turnaround year for my gaming. 2011 was really dry as far as I was concerned. 2012 had Tales of Graces f, Lollipop Chainsaw, and XCOM. I mostly got XCOM because it reminded me of Valkyria Chronicles (I'm pretty sure Valkyria Chronicles drew at least some inspiration from the old XCOM games on PC from the 90s), but I still like Valkyria Chronicles better. 2013 was fantastic. Ni no Kuni was amazing, and there were a lot of other awesome games that year.

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