a game about smuggling opium? sign me up.
Actually, this game sounds like it needs a reboot. To kickstarter!
a game about smuggling opium? sign me up.
Actually, this game sounds like it needs a reboot. To kickstarter!
I haven't read through all this yet, but I will. I'm a big believer in following your creative dreams, so I say go for it, man! But remember to keep things simple at first, because making things are always more complicated than you initially think.
As far as M rated content on pixlbit, it's okay just warn people in advance. X rated content is not really chill though.
It's midnight here on the West coast, I've just done about five pages of writing. debating whether I can do more, so I'm wasting time on the internet.
I've been playing Tales of the Abyss, which is chill. It's a Tales game for sure, for better or worse. Actually, I really like it. I don't play my 3DS enough, and I'm glad to have a great game for it now.
I've played the beginning of Golden Sun but haven't gotten too far. IT seems like an awesome game though.
hmmm never heard of Folklore. I might have to check that out.
well, the N64 is old. I don't think they have a shelf life of 2,000 years or anything, like twinkies. I wouldn't be surprised if it had just had it. You could get a used N64 console on ebay for pretty cheap...
I wish I coud draw a chocobo. Good work!
Keep on preaching man! TO hell with all in one devices! I get the point, but I want gaming first, because gaming is what I truly love. Say what you want about the Wii U, at least it's a genuine gaming device.
those Seuss books look great!
i'm sure there's tons more to discover. Don't watch the videos. I usually don't, but this time I did.
There's been some good games in this last generation, for sure, but I don't think people will reminisce about the consoles the way people do about the NES, or even the PS2. It's kind of been a weird generation, and it looks like the next one is weird too. But as messed up as the industry is, great games are still made, and I'm always inspired by the indie developers who make small PC games and XBLA games and iOS games and whatnot. Those are the heart and soul of the future of gaming.