Fortune Street is a great game for holiday get-togethers. I know the review just went live, but I strongly suggest it if you like stuff like Monopoly. It's truly a digital board game, unlike stuff like Mario Party and Dokapon Kingdom.
Fortune Street is a great game for holiday get-togethers. I know the review just went live, but I strongly suggest it if you like stuff like Monopoly. It's truly a digital board game, unlike stuff like Mario Party and Dokapon Kingdom.
"It was pretty big, not gonna lie, lol"
That's what she said.
My 3DS is more broken, the only 2 street passes I've ever gotten were from you and Chris. Two lonely street passes...
I still can't get over how close Angelo is to where I used to live. I used to work right up the street for SUNY System Administration, which is literally in walking distance to where Angelo works. Also of note, Chessa and I met at the McDonald's across the street from Crossgates on Western Ave - it's a small world.
Mistakes happen - our apologies. We're currently in a transitional phase and are putting people in new positions to handle both staff and viewership growth.
Thanks for pointing out the error, we'll be doing our best to make sure it doesn't happen again. Typically I'd be on news editing, but yesterday was my son's birthday, so I wasn't around to keep an eye on things. It's no excuse, but it's the best that can be said for now.
Shouldn't be any surprise this sold less. People now know what they are in for and are making an informed decision. It's a controversial game, so a limited set of sales is to be expected.
Seems like it still did pretty well overall, though. Glad to hear it, as I really enjoyed the first game and I'm looking forward to the improvements they are making here.
Damn, sorry you hit a bug with the blog posting. I'll get to work on fixing that.
Too bad it's just more of the same from E3. Oh well, hopefully more information is forthcoming soon.
Yeah, I definitely think Bastion 2 could fix my complaints, though I worry that it has been praised so heavily that they will glaze over any of the issues. I'd play the sequel, no doubt, but I'm not begging for one by any means. Guess we'll see what the future holds.
So now that I beat the game, I want to comment:
I *kind of* liked it. Just kind of, though. Could be a case of it being over hyped at this point for me, but I don't think that's the case. It wasn't too hard of a game and more often than not I felt like I was way overpowered compared to the enemies. Smart usage of the shield almost always protected me and hurt enemies. By the time I got toward the end of the game I was a walking tank thanks to the tonics and the upgraded weaponry.
The narrator, which is arguably the most impressive part of the game, didn't do anything for me. He talked too much during parts where my mind was focused on doing something else, so it became very easy to completely tune him out. I wish he'd only talk when I could pay attention, but that wasn't the case.
I'm not sure I appreciated the graphics most of the time. I guess they look kind of nice at points, but other times it looks like something out of one of those ads for a free to play MMO. I think without question, the soundtrack was the best part of the game. It's fitting because it so often sets the tone for the level.
The music and action pairing would've been more immersing for me if the levels were a little more interesting. There were a few that stood out - namely the level with the heavy overgrowth and the last level in the game - but most looked pretty similar.
I can't put my finger on exactly what caused it, but more often than not I just felt like I was going through the motions. Completing levels to get through the game - like my mission was to beat it, not to enjoy it. Sometimes along the way I found myself enjoying the experience, but more often than not, I was just pushing through to complete the game.
Oh well, it was only $5, so I feel I spent the right amount. Had I paid full price, I don't think I'd be so forgiving.
@Kathrine - Fair enough on the owning part though I have played the crap out of all of these games. They were all pretty popular games, which I guess makes them a good choice, if you haven't owned every one of Nintendo's handhelds. I'm guessing many of the ambassadors are having a similar problem.
As silly as it may sound, I would've gladly taken a coupon towards a brand new game than the whole lot of 20 games they provided.