I never played Flow but loved Flower. Journey is such an emotional experience and the music is excellent.
I never played Flow but loved Flower. Journey is such an emotional experience and the music is excellent.
I think you are absolutely right. The real time battles may have put a damper on my enthusiam (if I actually had any) but episodic content threw a whole bucket of ice water over my head. I can't see how the thing can work in small chunks at all.
Thanks Ashley, I've go a lot of work to do to get back up to speed.
Apparently I met 4 people. I saw someone jumping around in the tower level at the end but I didn't really interact with them.
I don't think I'm interested but who knows. Until I have a PS4 the point is moot.
I'm going to need to buy my own now. :( My wife has been using the Nexus 7 extensively so she'll be going cold turkey until I can buy her one.
Nope, I never really had a choice. This came along in the knick of time and saved me from bankruptcy.
I'm sure it will at first. I have a lot to re-learn.
Yay indeed. I was at the end of my rope.