First thing I saw whenever I woke up this morning. It's tragic indeed, I wish them all the best.
First thing I saw whenever I woke up this morning. It's tragic indeed, I wish them all the best.
I heard about this on the radio this morning and looked it up as soon as I got into work. The unification behind it all is an amazing thing to see.
It'll be released whenever Final Fantasy XX comes out and XIII is long forgotten.
I'm really unsure of Injustice. I think it looks amazing, however I'm just really not a fan of fighting games to be honest. I'll definitely give it a rent though whenever I see it!
I'm REALLY excited to get my hands on a copy of Bravely Default!
New Link to the Past looks interesting though. I just hope it has the secret room like the SNES version did!
My favorite would probably have to be Guitar Hero II simply because I've had the most fun with it. I remember (kinda) being in a drunken stupor and playing Jordan with the guitar behind my head while partying hard back in college. lol
If it comes down to a Demon's/Dark Souls build, I can definitely help you out! As for other games, I can help you but it won't be as in-depth as a Souls build would be!
And hopefully I'll be getting into Downpour soon. I THINK I'm about 3/4 of the way through Bioshock Infinite right now, so I should be wandering through Silent Hill by the end of the month!
lol, Veteran Playthrough....
Oh my..
I hope I don't disappoint! Especially with a Bow/Dagger build since it's a bit tougher than the normal builds people play through the game with.
And yes, I'm playing through Bioshock Infinite right now. It's a great game and I definitely would recommend it if you haven't tried it yet!
I do remember you telling me about that! You should give it a whirl sometime as well, it really was a lot of fun, although the beginning stages were rather difficult at times
Thanks Michael! I figured you would be pretty stoked about this!
I pretty much have a mental plan on how I'm going to approach this with the stats and equipment allocations, but so far it's only a mental thing, and until I get into it and see what all I really need I can't really plan too far ahead. I always like to plan loosely so I have room to improvise along the way
BASICALLY though, I'll be leveling myself solely through Vit, End, and Dex, all of which will be in a 1-2-2 ratio. Since it's a Bow-Build, I'll be relying more on Endurance and Dexterity since most of my time will be spent at a distance. As far as equipment goes, I'll be grabbing the Black Bow of Pharis at some point, I was going to use the Bandit Knife because the criticals are amazing (Priscilla's Dagger is great, but it'll be tough to get with a bow/dagger build, and the Criticals aren't nearly as good as the Bandit Knife). Armor will be light so I can easily dodge and escape. Rings will probably be Ring of Favor (For Health since it's the 1 of the 1-2-2 ratio) and Hawk Ring for Arrow Distance.
But like I said before, it's all just a ROUGH Mental Draft right now, and I'm sure it will change along the way! Maybe at some point I'll even be wielding a bow in one hand and a crossbow in another with a Shield/Dagger queued up for backup? It's all definitely up in the air at the moment.
But whatever you do, don't expect a Pro Playthrough with this. Bow-Builds are pretty tough and I'm sure I'll die quite a few times. But it'll add some hilarity to the mix