No S-E tax? DUN! DUN! DUN! The world is coming to an end.
I've got the DS release of Chrono Trigger, so it's not something I'm interested in, but playing it on a much bigger screen seems tempting to me... I might just trade in my DS copy.
Be prepared for a Square-Enix Virtual console tax imposed on this game.
June 6? Oh well I can always play something else other than my 3DS.
If it's due for 2012 then it's gotta be on Nintendo's next console, and hopefully they won't change their minds and make another bad decision like making that defect of a Soul Calibur game for Wii.
It's bound to be released for North-America, I hope.
That confirms it, Chessa has never played Puzzle Bobble on a NEO GEO arcade cabinet.
I was just thinking that this game might be perfect to use 2 stylus just because of the multitasking that is involved with controlling a submarine.
I've been looking to see if I can get such a deal here in Canada, but it seems I'm going to buy the system alone, and then just wait for the upcoming may update.