Cary, I did the same thing with Lego Batman and Arkham Asylum. I like balancing light-hearted with serious.
Cary, I did the same thing with Lego Batman and Arkham Asylum. I like balancing light-hearted with serious.
Both coyotes and ravens are tricksters in mythology.
Birds are fascinating. We have a pair of Eastern Phoebes nesting under the eaves at HQ and I love watching them hunt bugs on the wing. The other fun birds to watch are crows and ravens. They're some of the most intelligent birds on the planet.
Doing well, but feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day! Friday I got home from work at 6:50 PM nd had enough energy to walk the dog OR cook dinner. Dog got walked, I had a glass of milk and a double handful of mixed nuts, a fruit cup, and a handful of Craisins and passed out at 9:00.
Hmm...when do you usually play LEGO Star Wars? I'd love to do some co-op with someone sometime.
It took me far longer to get the rusted old bolts off than to put the new ones on and replace the gaskets. I finally had to go borrow a Sawzall from another park to get the last bolt cut off. Then everything went back together so easily that I was convinced I'd done something wrong.
Glad the hip is on the mend. And yay for games that make us happy!
I need to take mine in to Game Box Video Games and have it cleaned. There are probably dust bunnies the size of hippos in there. I figure the $45 for the cleaning will be worth it in the long run. They also repair pretty much all systems going back to the Atari.
I had soooo much fun with Sleeping Dogs! I bought the DLC, but haven't gotten around to it yet.