the DS-10 is fun. I've played with that a bit. It's brilliant idea, and i wish there was more stuff like that on 3DS. There's tons on iphone/ipad.
Yeah I was a teenager in the nineties, graduated high school in 95. I remember this shit.
the DS-10 is fun. I've played with that a bit. It's brilliant idea, and i wish there was more stuff like that on 3DS. There's tons on iphone/ipad.
Yeah I was a teenager in the nineties, graduated high school in 95. I remember this shit.
damn, this game must be really good. I just might have to pick this up over Bioshock.
I do like rhythm games that AREN'T Guitar Hero or Rock Band. Anyway, you get points just for use of the word "vocaloid." Those are nuts, and I almost bought software to do it myself.
I always have optimism for the future. We can't imagine what will happen, but nothing ever plateaus. Except for toasters and orange juicers. That technology hasn't progressed in years.
I would definitely play this!
never played this one. IT looks fun, but I don't think I could handle the difficulty. I'm sure the music is interesting.
I love these games. Never played the first one, but I've played II and IV countless times. Theyre really great.
I miss snow. it really sucks sometimes, but I miss the way the whole world is at peace when it's snowing gently.
that's awesome about your blog.
Thanks for reminding me about Wreck It Ralph. I haven't seen that yet.
Glad you dug it, Casey. I might have to pick this up myself. The party sounds awesome.
I was really hyped about this after the demo. Glad to see a fan like you liked it. I'll have to pick it up.