The PS3 is really awful with gamesaves sometimes. I had a PS3 burn out on me a few weeks ago. Now I have this hard drive that works, with all the game saves still on it... only it's entirely encrypted. I can, after about 20 tries, get the old PS3 to turn on for about 5 seconds before crashing, and this is after repair attempts involving thermal paste and such, so no luck transferring those saves.
I'm still trying to decide how much I should harass Sony about releasing some solution to transfer data from the HDD of a dead PS3. I called their service line and was told the best way would be to send in my PS3 for repair. Of course, during the repair they'll format my HDD in order to make sure that's not the problem, so you know, game saves would all be lost. The person I spoke with didn't mention the last part until I had declined to send it in several times, so that's fun.
Anyway, yeah. If you have an old BC PS3? That thing is due to die sometime soon due to the lifetime of the thermal paste, and will either need repairs often, or alternatively, completely die, like mine. Back up your saves and such while you still can! :(