I'm just surprised it didn't take them long to announce it for N. America. I guess Pokemon Black/White will be the DS swan song in terms of support from Nintendo.
I'm just surprised it didn't take them long to announce it for N. America. I guess Pokemon Black/White will be the DS swan song in terms of support from Nintendo.
I'll raise your double click with a mighty mouse pinch!
Nintencats is the joke.
If Microsoft is really trying to target the mass market, then those are terrible prices. I would never spend $150 on a camera peripheral.
I bet Nick can't wait for a Nintendogs sequel.
Bit.Trip runner is fantastic!
Yeah that's true but a lot of games have this issue. I remember back when I was playing Diablo 2 a lot of upgraded weapons looked the same except they tried to change the color a little bit.
"How disappointing it is when you've finally gathered all the materials for a shiny upgraded weapon and you fork over the cash... only to find out it looks exactly the same as your old one!"
There is a way to see a preview of how equipment looks like before upgrading. Just take a closer look at some of the options ;).
I picked up Photo Dojo and Earthworm Jim. Long story short, Photo Dojo is a fun diversion at best (however I'm not complaining since it's free), and Earthworm Jim is a disappointing port with a gimmicky new feature.
I just love how the word party is in a bland gray and isn't lively.