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Esteban Cuevas's Comments - Page 13

Help Me Form A Survival Horror Plan

Posted on 03/16/2012 at 12:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really don't think I could handle Eternal Darkness right now. That's why that game is later in the list.

NeoGeo X Handheld Confirmed For Later This Year

Posted on 03/16/2012 at 06:29 AM | Filed Under News

Shock Troopers FTW!

Baldur's Gate Getting Enhanced

Posted on 03/16/2012 at 01:00 AM | Filed Under News

I've never played the Baldur's Gate series as it was before I had a PC that could run games. My knowledge of the series is actually pretty slim. However, I do like it when old titles are revitalized like this. This is basically the PC equivalent of a HD upgrade.

Gamefly Goodbye

Posted on 03/15/2012 at 11:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Presicely. That's exactly how I feel about it. I did rent games when I was little but somewhere along the line that changed.

Phil Harrison to Take Over For Molyneux

Posted on 03/14/2012 at 02:28 AM | Filed Under News

Second the Rare thing. Just rented Viva Pinata from Gamefly because that might be the last thing interesting they created.

Episode 57: We Speak of Revolution!

Posted on 03/14/2012 at 02:26 AM | Filed Under Feature

I miss local play too. Hell I miss when it was called "two player" or "four player" and not "multiplayer" or "split screen". However, I do think it could improve so I look forward when I can enjoy games online like Mike.

Fable III Verdict

Posted on 03/13/2012 at 08:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's fine. It'll be here. Hopefully, you'll remember once you're done.

Episode 57: We Speak of Revolution!

Posted on 03/12/2012 at 06:52 PM | Filed Under Feature

I for one do not play online and one of the biggest reason is because of the community. I just rather not deal with it. I enjoy online play when I can play with someone I know, as it allows me to do that without them being here on my couch. Otherwise, I usually don't bother.

Too Many Good Games!

Posted on 03/07/2012 at 11:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Trust me. After my birthday, I don't know when I'll be able to afford another game. As for playing them, I'm forcing myself to find time. It just doesn't make sense to write for a video game site and not play games.

Maybe I'll wait for a sale, although I actually didn't care for the first Far Cry.

Too Many Good Games!

Posted on 03/07/2012 at 07:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's probably around $70 or so as Tales of Vesperia is about 30, Mass Effect is 20 and Far Cry 2 is 20 on PC and I'll probably get that there since I can run it well, although I don't know if anyone is playing online anymore (not that I care that much anyway).

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