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asrealasitgets's Comments - Page 13

Update: Hiring a Hitman to take out Shantae. Plus Zwei!

Posted on 01/15/2018 at 06:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hitman demo released over holidays was great. I didn't expect the game to make me laugh silly so much. It's a very funny game. After doing the demo mission it lets you do it over again different ways with challenges. I tried using a coin to distract people but I'd always get caught. I'd toss it over a car and hide but I'd get caught and start running. How desperate are people for loose change. My god! Getting caught and running and hiding was fun too, unlike in Metal Gear where it's more of a headache. I'll try to buy full game this year on sale for sure. I could see myself playing it for hours too. I don't like stealth typically so that category/genre puts me off, but I honestly had fun with the demo.

My Zelda Progress

Posted on 01/12/2018 at 02:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Climbing towers can be a kick in the dick sometimes. You have to have enough stamina to make longer climbs without stopping and several of them have annoying enemies hovering around that shoot you off from the sides or instakill with lazers. Not to mention actually getting to these things can be annoying as hell. Like the one covered in water with enemies that shoot lighting magic or one covered in black oil the you have to get around without touching or it will drain your health.  

My Zelda Progress

Posted on 01/12/2018 at 02:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I pick indie games because they're short and can finish a few while I play longer games like BotW on the side. I'm thinking of using Redbox Rentals to limit my playtime to 2 days and see how far I can get through a backlog of newer games just so I can try out games from 2017 and not pay full price or not feel guilted for not finishing them. I think newer games have short campaigns which people complain about full price. 

My Zelda Progress

Posted on 01/11/2018 at 08:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Persona5 was on my christmas list but I got a Switch. Maybe I'll get around to it after Zelda this year.

I got a Switch!!!!

Posted on 01/11/2018 at 06:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm only a couple of dungeons in. It plays exactly like gameboy Zelda. It looks like GBColor zelda. There are lots of puzzle rooms in dungeons if you miss those like me. However, I tend to be cautious because indie games for some reason tend to be absurdly difficult for no reason. The balance I mean, isn't always perfected with these games. It might be fine, then all of a sudden a bad design idea that makes it frustrating and want to quit. I hit a couple of walls so far and got through, but I have issue with the design choices. The music is really good though.

My Zelda Progress

Posted on 01/11/2018 at 06:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"I don't think it's for me." 

I can understand this.  The thing is, when there is a giant world, I impulsively have to see all of it. It's a bad thing about me, which is why I avoid games with giant maps and don't want everything to start doing this. Sure I could have just done story quests in a linear approach, but again, impulse. I really just want to see the edges of the map for some reasaon. Witcher 3 I was okay with doing because a lot of the side quests and hunts were good so I didn't feel like my time was wasted. FF15 also had a beautiful world as did Xenoblade games. I'm curious to see how big Metro Exodus will be, but I don't want everything to be big. Evil Within 2 had a nice big town to explore and had enought tension and suspense to make it survival horror, although it was less so because of the openness of it compared to EW1. 

Did you find the Master Sword yet? What about all the story memories? I'm just picking away at it slowly now while I play indie games on the side like Blossom Tales and Thimbleweed. I had to stop myself from playing Zelda too. I was going from shrine to shrine very addictivly.

My Zelda Progress

Posted on 01/11/2018 at 03:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Vah Naboris. The desert one. I'm questing in Gerudo region right now. 

Games I want to play from 2017

Posted on 01/10/2018 at 08:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Zelda has a linear story. You can have a linear experience. It's player choice. I just opted to explore the world map sooner rather than end game.

I got a Switch!!!!

Posted on 01/10/2018 at 07:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I loved Nights of Azure 1. I can't wait to get to the sequel. I was really surprised there was girl-girl relationship as a main story. Have no idea if the sequel is related at all. I've ranted on another blog about how I miss having mystery about accessing dungeons in BotW like in previous games. So far you just do a meta story thing and then just get dropped in front of the dungeon. Also, most shrines are easily viewable and accessible, but I would have like to have worked to find them using all my special abilities or sidequests maybe. Hopefully they'll just use the same engine but with more traditional Zelda stuff in sequels. You should try "Blossom Tales" if you liked Link to the past or Links Awakening. Maybe when it's on sale on steam or something. It's like classic 2D Zelda but girl hero instead of Link. 

Games I want to play from 2017

Posted on 01/08/2018 at 05:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't want to ruin the game and spoil anything in case you ever play it, but the overall backstory is pushed to sidelines and up to you to put it together. It's somewhat fragmented. Majority of the game is focused on discovery and combat, basically an action game with scattered puzzles. It's very similar to Final Fantasy 15 if you played that. I feel the story is somewhat lacking as well, for a Zelda game. I'm still enjoying it though. It is what it is.

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