The only FPS that I really got nausous from was the XBLA release of Marathon 2.
The only FPS that I really got nausous from was the XBLA release of Marathon 2.
There are a lot of things that I don't know about the service. I will have to wait until it comes out to truly decide whether or not it is worthwhile to subscribe.
Jak 3 is far more refined than Jak II, so it isn't a bad thing if you missed II. Jak and Daxter is a fantastic platformer in the vein of Super Mario 64.
I am thinking that I should just leave Kingdom Hearts as memories. I can't believe that they have aged all that well.
I played the Shadow of Colossus demo a good dozen times, I may have burned myself out on the core game by doing that.
They just need to resurrect all these dormant franchises. I think that is part of the reason Nintendo has Retro. That is all that Retro seems to do, I wonder what their next game will be...
See, I knew that I forgot something.
My PS2 is currently hooked up to a TV 1800 miles away from where I live. I would like it back at some point, but I can't see that happening anytime soon. In fact I think PSNow will be working before I have a chance to reclaim my PS2 from my parents house.
I had a copy of Zak and Wiki. I am regretting getting rid of it. I knew it was a gem, but I was too stupid to realize how priceless a gem.
I do have a copy of that Vampire game... I don't remember why I picked it up, but I did and promptly added it to my impossible Steam backlog.
That is all exciting stuff.