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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 123

Summer of SNK: Part 2

Posted on 07/18/2021 at 08:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Eh, it's just a lesser 1943.

Summer of SNK: Part 2

Posted on 07/18/2021 at 07:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

There were some NEO GEO games on Wii Virtual Console, but I'm not sure if Blazing Star was one of them.  I know Blazing Lasers was, though, because I downloaded it as well.  One of the best TG-16 shooters.  It was made by Compile you know.  That's one thing I liked about Hudson Soft. back then is that they really supported the Wii with original games and downloadable titles and lots of their TG-16 catalog on Virtual Console.  That's how I first discovered a lot of TG-16 gems since I never had one as a kid.

Episode 203: Impossible Segway

Posted on 07/16/2021 at 08:10 AM | Filed Under Feature

I have a podcast now, too, by the way.  I'll write about it in an upcoming blog.

Out of this World Review

Posted on 07/16/2021 at 08:02 AM | Filed Under Review

I never really played this game, but I saw it a lot at demo stations at game stores and computer places like Babbage's.  I only remember the first part of the game where the buffalo monster thing chases you.

Halo Trailer from 2001

Posted on 07/13/2021 at 08:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not really into Halo games, but my brothers sure did like them.  Only two things I remember about those games are when I watched them play.  Any time there was a vehicle, for some reason I always called them a tractor.  So I'd say, "Get in the tractor!" and they'd say, "That's not a tractor, Cary."

Another time I bought them a six pack of Mountain Dew Halo flavor, because they liked the game so much.  It had extra caffeine, which I probably shouldn't have given the youngest to.  Because after that his eyes got real dialated and he said, "Ican'tstoptalkingfast! Ican'tstoptalkingfast!" And I said, "Why don't you run around the couch a few times?"  And he said, "OK!"  ZOOM!

Have you ever played the Halo arcade game?


Posted on 07/13/2021 at 07:58 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Why are you watching Looney Tunes?  Is it in preparation for the new Space Jam movie?

Summer of SNK: Part 1

Posted on 07/11/2021 at 08:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow, you're the only person I know who owned a NEO GEO system other than the handheld one!  I remember Viewpoint, that's the one with the Zaxxon-like view, right?

Donkey Kong Review

Posted on 07/11/2021 at 08:26 PM | Filed Under Review

I forgot to mention it, but even though i wasn't a big fan of the original DK arcade game, I love, love, love the Game Boy game.  Have you ever played it?  It's still one of the best arcade classic updates to this day!

Summer of SNK: Part 1

Posted on 07/10/2021 at 08:28 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I always find it interesting when talking to people who hadn't had much exposure to SNK.  If you read my above blog post reply, you can see that it was definitely big in Texas.  I guess it wasn't so much in other parts of the US.

Summer of SNK: Part 1

Posted on 07/10/2021 at 08:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I don't know what it was, but it seems like SNK had a big distribution center or something near Dallas, TX, because their games were always a big staple in arcades.  Even before the NEO GEO, I remember lots of arcades having all the Ikari Warriors games, Guerilla War, Prehistoric Isle, Time Soldier, P.O.W., and many more.  And then once the NEO GEO arcade cabinets came out, they were EVERYWHERE!  Even the local video rental places had a few!  I even saw dedicated cabinets for Bust-A-Move and all the Metal Slug titles.  And in college, one of the arcades on campus had nearly every SNK arcade game ever made, with a whole row of all the Metal Slug games and even Samurai Shodown 64!  I think the arcade owner must've been an SNK fan.  And back when they were selling the home NEO GEO system, I saw those a lot in stores, too, as well as the games.  Nobody ever bought them, because they were so expensive, but they were there.

Another thing that's interesting is that ever since I've been reviewing games, SNK has gone through a LOT of changes since then.  But no matter what, I've always been in good standing with their PR dept., whether it be internal or external.  So I've always been able to review MOST of their new games!  I really don't even try hard to contact them either.  SNK just seems to follow me. I've also had a great time when they had booths at E3.  One year a famous SNK character designer was there, and I got to talk with him and he gave me a Fatal Fury hat and signed a poster of Mai Shiranui for me (not one of my favorite SNK characters, but I'll take it).  And another year when they were showing off the NEO GEO Pocket Color, I played SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash with the devs and we traded cards and such for a good hour!  

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