I already have wings and super strength, but will never turn down spiky yellow hair.
Tails, Ulala, Big the Cat, Blaze (from Streets of Rage, not Sonic), Ristar, the monkey from Monkeyball, and Amigo. There, we've got seven. For blog ideas, maybe your thoughts on each Final Fantasy game when Lightning Returns comes out. Another I'd like to see is your thought on each Ace Attorney game, know you did the characters, but I'd like to see mini reviews on them.
I could actually see that. As someone who's planning to go to police academy when I get out of summer, that mission where you have to shoot over fifty cops really bothered me and brought the game down.
The Last of Us was awesome. Nuff said.
Yeah I think it's pretty safe to say Bayonetta 2 will be more of the same, hopefully with the shit parts cut out. Either way, more Bayonetta's fine by me.
Still feels weird to see you hyped for an FPS.
Bioware just clicks with me more than either Witcher game did. Inquisition also looks like a great return to form, I'm not worried about it.
I have high hopes for E3. Nintendo always announces 2-3 cool looking games for it, I'm sure Bioware will have a new Mass Effect or their new IP, and Bethesda will reveal Fallout 4. SHUT UP IT'S HAPPENING!
Sucks that Return to Dreamland is still $50 too. I mean, that game's worth every penny IMO, but I completely understand not wanting to spend that much on a 2 year old game.