I like being able to find what I need on the fly. I suppose though that I should've mentioned that you can pick up any weapons dropped by enemies too. So usually you can find whatever you need where ever you are!
I like being able to find what I need on the fly. I suppose though that I should've mentioned that you can pick up any weapons dropped by enemies too. So usually you can find whatever you need where ever you are!
Those are amazing! I've never tried a Garrett build, but it sounds legit!
And the Chuck Norris build sounds like my Face-Fister build, and it's fun as hell! Now if I could only find a perk for a round-house kick in Skyrim's skill tree....
I'm pretty stoked for this. Although I'm slightly worried about a new developer taking the helm, I have enough confidence on what's been previously laid out to be assured that it should still be good.
I haven't read nor seen anything about the ending, so hopefully I won't be disappointed!
I just saw that Real Steel is going to be on sale for 60% off on Xbox Live. Not sure if you have Xbox or PS3, but I just thought I'd swing by and let you know! Here's the source along with other sales for this week and next!
I THINK they released a new(er) version, if not a sequel, on the Wii. You could check that out! The Co-Op aspects were awesome too! it's hard to find a solid co-op game in the Horror Genre, but they pulled it off pretty well!
It was really neat how that was accidently set up!
We Are What We Are; The Borstal Breakout! So Bash the Fash cause Chaos is my Life, and when there's One Law for Them we'll Go Where the Kids Go.
I just thought it was cool how your titles ran together like that!
Perhaps.... I'll do another one to coincide with the walk-through?
Glad you got a chuckle out of it though
I'm glad I'm not the only one who would like to see Fallout take place in a different location. I think London would be a great place simply because it's large enough and has enough well-known locations to be easily recognized!