Awesome! I LOVE xbox360achievements.org! I go there all the time for news and guides!
Awesome! I LOVE xbox360achievements.org! I go there all the time for news and guides!
Looks like some solid games if you don't already have them. But unfortunately, the games I'd normally want are the games I already have.
The Belmont build DID work, but unfortunately the whips are so underpowered that it kind of ruined the experience. It definitely upped the difficulty quite a bit though!
And one of my favorite things in regards to the Souls games are that you can take any character and level them and mold them into whatever you want them to be. There's been a couple times I started out as a Knight and ended up being something completely different like and Archer or a Mage!
It's actually a lot of fun until you come across a dragon with nowhere to land, then you're screwed.
Oddly... ALL of those builds can be done in Dark Souls!
I may have to try and test a few!
I do what I can to get my Dark Souls fix in!
Seriously.. It's all I played for about two years though. I ended up with a grand total of over 300 hours logged in to 7 different characters, each character on the 2nd-5th ng+, all spread across Xbox and PS3. It was rather ridiculous, but I loved every moment of it!
I liked it a LOT better than I thought I would. The only bad part about the game was how short it was. It took me a little under 8 hours to complete, but luckily there were plenty of other modes (Dante Must Die, Heaven and Hell, etc..) to keep me coming back to it!
Great! It's nice to know that people want to check this out! I'm getting pretty excited!
They were cool books, but after a while I personally felt disconnected from Katniss.. I liked the books and all, I just didn't like the main character sadly.
But so far, the general consensus through comments and PMs seem to be in favor of a Bow build. Thank God no one wants to see a whip build.. I'd kill myself.. lol
Awesome! I love learning of other gamer's preferences and favorites!
My favorite system was probably the SNES because it simply has so much nostalgic value to me. My favorite games are Dark Souls and Legend of Legaia, and if you haven't play Legaia yet and you're an RPG fan, then I'd HIGHLY recommend it! And my favorite character would be..
Hmm.. I honestly don't know.. I'll get back to you on this at some point