The old guy on the right is Peter Capaldi, the 12th Doctor. His episodes don't start until later this year, but they are currently filming. Also, he isn't much older than Pertwee was on the left.
The old guy on the right is Peter Capaldi, the 12th Doctor. His episodes don't start until later this year, but they are currently filming. Also, he isn't much older than Pertwee was on the left.
Yep, I may have to buy this at some point...
The two games that I am genuinely excited about this year are Destiny and The Witcher 3. I have been a fan of Bungie since Marathon, so that is why I want that game, and The Witcher 2 was one of my favourite games of the past generation.
This year does feel front loaded, but I think that is because I have no idea what is really coming past March. While I do want to play inFAMOUS and MGS. I have tempered my excitement because I never got past the first island in inFAMOUS and I have not gotten into a MGS game since 2004.
I did like how this episode did go all over the place. I also liked how you went into the topic of arcades, especially since I had just finished up Retronauts episode on the golden age of arcades... or something.
When I think about this years releases there are plenty that I am excited for, but the one or two that I am EXCITED for come out closer to the end of the year. Up until that point I think that this year will just drag on for as far as videogames. Playing big releases for the sake of playing them. Hopefully I will revisit a lot of older games, or play them for the first time....
This game had been on my radar, but then I slowly moved away from the mobile scene. I may pick it up now though.
The worst part is that I really enjoyed the game before hearing any of the music...
I don't know how I feel about the "greatness awaits" tagline plastered over all sony's games, but that print is pretty sweet.
I am sorry that I pushed you off the fence.
If I enjoyed the game so much without the narration, then I can't wait to come back to it in the near future.