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Super Step's Comments - Page 1285

Favorites of E3

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 01:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Solid list, can't really deviate too much; I need to watch more trailers to really get a handle on my favorite of favorites, but I did make a blog of the top three of the top of my head days ago.

Whats wrong with turn based combat?

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 01:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, as the one guy here that doesn't enjoy JRPGs and is excited for FFXV for that exact reason ... I'm gonna back away slowly ... but believe it or not, I do understand your frustration. I'm a fan of the original Star Fox and Star Fox 64 style of gameplay, and that was abandoned long ago in the series, so I feel your pain (even if I did actually like Adventure and Assault).

I do like thinking and don't have ADHD, though. Even if I do get bored* too* quickly for turn-based combat. Tongue Out

Ah, I'm just being a dick with those spelling corrections, I know you were just upset. The point is, I like the change, but I totally understand why people are upset, and I can sympathize with that.

My Sony Confession

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 01:12 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, well, I'm still a non-RPG-loving minority, and probably would have owned a 360 had I participated this gen so ... yeah, I guess that doesn't mean much, does it? lol

I would like a 60 gig PS3 as well; being a Nintendo fanboy growing up, I was always secretly a bit jealous of my older brother's Playstations, and I wouldn't mind having three-in-one plus the PS4.

Brokeh's late night moviehs!: SH Revelation

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 01:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, critics can definitely overblow things, especially when it comes to movies with rabid fanbases. I'm thinking I'll enjoy Man of Steel when I see it, despite the critical split, but we'll see.

Nice to see a different perspective from someone who likes the games, but can tolerate the changes. Although I'm not ragging on people not wanting things changed; man did that Last Airbender movie piss me off, and I watched the cartoon AFTER I saw the movie, and just got retroactively pissed off. lol

Updates and Buys Vol 6.

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 12:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I also think the beast in Order 1866 is a werewolf, which is awesome cause it's not a zombie, but I think it will be an organization that hunts everything from Twilight, not just werewolves, so I'm stoked. Smile

Thinking back on the week.

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 12:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Honestly, I think enough people still buy physical copies that it will stick around a while longer.

PS4 is exciting me as well, as I think it means I will actually be involved in this newest generation. When, not if, is now the question.

Fixes to Blog Autosaving

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 12:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Honestly, all I've ever done is copy/pasted from google/bing's search images, and even if not from those sources, copy/paste usually works for me. That's odd.

Anyway, awesome news, Nick!

Happy Father's Day all you Pixlbit Daddys

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 12:40 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Happy Father's Day from 30 minutes before Father's Day (I live in the far distant past of Central Standard Time).

VG Movie Week #5: Mortal Kombat

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 12:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Not all of them are decent. I remember this being BigMex from 1up's favorite gaming movie, but both my memory and a Spoony review tell me a certain VHS cartoon out around the time of the sequel is terrible (although I think at the time I just thought it was cool it existed, and I was allowed to rent it), and so is the sequel according to just about everyone.

This one though, I fell asleep in the theater when I saw it with my older brother and dad (I was quite young, so that happened in movies), but everyone who was a fan of the games seemed to enjoy it. The CGI does look terrible, though, especially now. I'm fairly certain Goro was an animatronic.

I was a fan of the games when they were first out, just cause of how young I was and how violent they were, but they all seem pretty stiff to me now; except that new one looked pretty good.


Posted on 06/16/2013 at 12:10 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The Evil Within sounds like it could be the next Eternal Darkness for me, in that it could be the next survival-horror game I get really into. I think I actually will enter this generation with a PS4, I just have to see when, so I'm excited.

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