Yes, that video is the highlight of my freaking day! Which is depressing, but screw that, I'ma focus on the highlight part!
Yes, that video is the highlight of my freaking day! Which is depressing, but screw that, I'ma focus on the highlight part!
Hey, I am not as big a KH fan, but I just got a big, dumb, goofy smile on my face from Sony's trolling Xbox One's policies.
I'm gonna look up what all games Sony has coming out, but their console specifics and the fact I will own games on it should I buy any has me sold.
And troll the hell out of Microsoft while they're at it! lol
I am considering upgrading to a Galaxy phone myself, but I'm not entirely opposed to buying an Apple product if I can get what I pay for. Some things they've done recently don't attract them to me, though.
And yeah, it looks like a trash can, but I'm interested why they did that, nonetheless.
I am even more sold after the video he just shared with me, posted above.
I have no investment in this series and it looks like a current gen title to me. I mean it looks awesome, but I am not seeing the giant leap yet.