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Jesse Miller's Comments - Page 14

PixlBit User Nomenclature

Posted on 03/11/2013 at 05:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Where all my PixlPeeps at?!

Sexism Rants and Why We Hate Them

Posted on 03/11/2013 at 12:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Heard - and I agree.  It's good to have civilized discourse on important matters like this.  And it warms my heard that the community here is actually talking about this stuff and not reducing themselves to the savagery that often accompanies these subjects on other sites.

Sexism Rants and Why We Hate Them

Posted on 03/11/2013 at 10:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

While I have issues with Sarkeesian’s approach and a lot of the things she says, I would like to address item #1.  The fundamental issue is that these characters that are “sexist towards men” point of view, is that all of these characters are created by men.  This isn’t sexism, it’s the hero fantasy.  It’s a projection of how we view ourselves as a sex.  It’s a power fantasy.  The brutish man ends up with the pretty lady – who happens to be useless without the man around to protect her.

You may not like Marcus and the game from Gears of War, but that’s a man’s interpretation of another man. 

Now, if women were creating these characters all the time it would be one thing.  But a woman isn’t objectifying Kratos or Marcus.  They didn’t create those avatars – we did.  If anyone is “sexist” against men, it’s other men.

Men hate the sexism in games question because it rings true.  We hate to admit that there is a problem in this industry, because that would mean to admit there is a problem would mean that we would have to admit that there is something wrong with what we love.  Men also come from a position of power – games are created based on the 18-34 white male demographic for the most part.  Addressing this issue would also mean that we would no longer be the focus, and who doesn’t want to be the focus?

I’m not saying that anyone here is sexist – but we have to admit there is a problem and stop grasping for straws to prove there isn’t an issue.  Sure, anyone can point to a few exceptions, but women have practically the entire industry to point out as their example.

And to show that I’m not piling on, I will say that I agree with some of your points.  Picking apart Mario’s “save the princess” theme doesn’t really say much – there just isn’t any real substance there.  Other M is a better example – as much as you may not want to talk about – because it makes an otherwise empowered woman, subservient to a man for no real good reason.

Sarkeesian may be full of it - but that doesn’t make her completely wrong.  We can’t ignore the issue, we must explore it.  And we can’t keep getting defensive about it either.  Some of what we find will hurt, but those are just growing pains.  If we want videogames to be taken seriously, we need to take down the “no girls allowed” signs and grow the hell up.   

Episode 18: Sony's World

Posted on 03/08/2013 at 05:51 PM | Filed Under Feature

My name is Jesse and this is my favorite comment on this thread.

1up Repost: Phantasy Star Parts I & II & IV

Posted on 03/08/2013 at 12:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Phantasy Star IV is one of my all time favorite games.  Everyone should play this game. 

Shadowrun Returns

Posted on 03/08/2013 at 12:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've been a fan of both the Shadowrun video games along with the table top source RPG, so naturally I backed this as soon as I heard about it.  Really looking forward to this one getting released, and the progress looks fantastic.

DLC = Damn Late Content

Posted on 03/08/2013 at 10:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

lol touche on that point.  But they'll have it worked out for the inevitable "Game of the Year" edition that will hit sometime this year.

DLC = Damn Late Content

Posted on 03/08/2013 at 09:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I miss expansions.  Back in the day, DLC wasn't broken down to the minutia that it is today.  When companies wanted to expand upon the original, they would release a module that offered a substantial enhancement to almost all elements of the game.  There would be a new quest, a totally new feature, etc...

In this fashion, I think Borderlands is a game that does DLC right.  Completely new characters enable me to play through the game again - if I want to - and their DLC releases are usually rather robust; adding completely new maps, missions, characters and story points.  It's good stuff that keeps the game relevant.

The microtransaction stuff is what kills me.  From a business standpoint I get it, but from a creative standpoint it's no good.  Executives push for low hanging fruit - create some horse armor or some hats - perhaps components for crafting, etc....  These take little to no time to develop and can be marked up to make a profit practically right away.

That and DLC comes out too quickly now.  I've been conditioned to wait until later to pick certain games up, because I know a complete edition will be coming.  Skyrim, Borderlands, etc...  These games will have "complete" editions before too long and they'll cost me a lot less.

I'll stop there - but I could go on.  Perhaps in an editorial...

[Petition: Bring SaGa Frontier to PSN in North America!]

Posted on 03/07/2013 at 11:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

i am for this.

Playing By Your Own Rules

Posted on 03/07/2013 at 02:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

One hit kills - slaps only.  Fantastic.

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