Sweet can't wait!
Sweet can't wait!
At the moment i do not even have any..well scratch that..I do have a n64 game lol!! But to be honest it should be the same way as the nes games, but i can write a diy version not a prob!!
Have you tried to open up your games and clean them?? Maybe that is causing it??
You say no more halo or gears of war for xbox but yet this is what xbox is about..It is like saying no more mario or zelda nintendo!!
I am looking foward to the ps4..I do not care for it at the moment..But i think that once they release the ps4 the ps3 is going to reduce in price..Meaning i can pick one up for cheap!
I hate prequels, that being said, I do not think is quite like a standard prequel. Oh man..Deathstroke in the game!! Just that makes me want to buy it on day one!!
Well I am going to have to wait..I can now wait for games..Before I could not wait, i bought a xbox 360 cause i saw gears of war..I was ok guess now is the time to pick up a xbox. I will be waiting for both new systems to come out, and get a library of games going, before i jump in.
Microsoft won't do it, trust me they won't. The company is not that dumb!
It could be some marketing..aint nothing better than free marketing..With e3 coming around the corner, maybe microsoft wanted some attention to them and not sony going into e3??
Man the soundtrack of killer instinct is so awesome!
*sigh*...Added another game to the backlog
Yes tell me about it, the alpha version pretty much sucks..Except maybe the third one..But still rather prefer the saturn version!
sweet, is the battle system turn based??