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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 132

I Helped Make Some Videos

Posted on 05/23/2021 at 08:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't really have much time to listen to podcasts.  And when I've tried in the past, most of the ones I've listened to just kind of ramble on and on.  But then, I might be guilty of that, too. :)

Viewtiful Joe 2 Part 1

Posted on 05/23/2021 at 08:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah if it's not Resident Evil or Monster Hunter, Capcom doesn't seem too interested right now.

Viewtiful Joe 2 Part 1

Posted on 05/23/2021 at 08:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The only big thing I remember about Viewtiful Joe 2 is that you could play as Sylvia now.  I don't know why I don't remember more about the game.  I have all the Viewtiful Joe games.  It's crazy how such a popular series back then could get nearly forgotten after a few years.

I Helped Make Some Videos

Posted on 05/22/2021 at 08:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

In order to play that Pac-Man mode in Ridge Racer V, you have to unlock everything else in the game.  But I managed to do it so it can't be that hard.  RRV is a pretty good PS2 launch title.  It's not as good as Ridge Racer Type 4, though.  RRV replaced the main Ridge Racer lady with a new one, Ai Fukayami.  I called her the Evil Ridge Racer Lady.  The other Ridge Racer Lady is named Reiko Nagase and she has a sister named Kei Nagase who is a character in the Ace Combat games!  I didn't really get into Ridge Racer games until R4, though.  My dad loved playing Ridge Racer in the arcades.  I kind of wish Namco would make a new Ridge Racer game on the modern consoles.  Sometimes it's nice to play a simple arcade racer.

Giving the Switch Some Love

Posted on 05/22/2021 at 07:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I reviewed Cross Code last year.

I'm still playing a lot of New Pokemon Snap, as well as other games I'm reviewing.  Most notable ones include R-Type Final 2, Incredible Mandy, and I just downloaded Very Very Valet for review.

I Helped Make Some Videos

Posted on 05/20/2021 at 10:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks for taking the time to watch the videos.  I think one of the most interesting facts is in the first video, where he talks about how the president of Namco fought the Yakuza!  As if I didn't need another reason to like Namco!

Yeah when I was a kid, the "Character/Nickname" startup screen of Pac-Man always confused me.  "Why do the ghosts have two names?"  But it turns out the "Character" is actaully the CHARACTERISTIC of the ghost.  Blinky follows you around as if he's your "Shadow."  Pinky is "Speedy" enough to catch you off at the pass, which she tends to do frequently.  Inky is "Bashful" and tries to stay away from Pac-Man as much as possible.  And if you get caught by "Pokey" Clyde, you probably need more practice.  Other games use these ghosts characteristics, too, like Pac-Mania.

One of my favorite instances of these ghost charactertics is in an unlockable mode in Ridge Racer V.  In this mode, you race as Pac-Man against the four ghosts on motor scooters, and must deal with their characteristics from the first game.  Blinky darts out ahead and when you pass him, he'll follow you relentlessly.  Pinky will try to speed ahead of you and cut you off.  Inky just kind of does his own thing.  And immediately after you start, Clyde's scooter breaks down and he slows to a crawl.  But he still remains an obstacle as you'll lap him several times and must avoid bumping into him!  

Anyway, one interesting fact about the ghosts that he barely touches on in the videos is that orignally, they were all red.  Namco thought that would eliminate confusion as to who the enemies were, but Toru Iwatani fought to have the colors change so people could tell who was who.  I wish I could meet Toru Iwatani someday.

I Helped Make Some Videos

Posted on 05/19/2021 at 08:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

My brother Jeff is a school teacher and I'm trying to get him to help me with a podcast on his summer break.  We'll see how that goes.

As far as having a tough skin, just keep in mind that I work in the plumbing section of a major hardware chain.  There are NO happy customers in the plumbling section, so I'm pretty used to stuff like that.  Recently a particularly rude customer stormed off in a huff after saying some awful things, and all the other customers around him just stood there shocked with dropped jaws. They said to me, "I can't believe he said that stuff to you." and I was like, "Eh, that happens."  So I'm a lot tougher than I look and sound, I think.

I Helped Make Some Videos

Posted on 05/19/2021 at 08:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Well he has a family and kids, so I would think he would have to be into it that hard to pay the bills!

I Helped Make Some Videos

Posted on 05/19/2021 at 08:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Even though I'm a little sad I didn't get more credit in the videos, I still had fun and I'm glad I was a small part of their creation.

My brother Jeff is a school teacher and I'm trying to get him to help me start a podcast on his summer break.  We'll see how that goes.

I work in the plumbing section of a major hardware chain, so I'm used to handling real jerks.  I like to think I'm tougher than I look anyway.  With that said, if I had streamed my first playthrough of R-Type Final 2 yesterday, I'm sure the jerks would've been out in full force!  Holy cow did I do terrible!  I couldn't even get past stage 3 on the easiest setting!  I know I'm bad at shooters but wow!  I'm reviewing R-Type Final 2 so that's why I'm playing it.

Monday's Game Recap

Posted on 05/19/2021 at 08:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I bought Street Fighter V on the PS4 for 20 bucks at Capcom's store at their booth at PAX one year.  I don't think it was worth 20 bucks.  But at least my copy didn't have commercials like you said yours does!  That's weird!  Can you guess my favorite Street Fighter character?

Right now one of the iOS games I discovered was a Lemmings game that came out in 2018.  I used to love to play Lemmings when I was a teen and also in college in the 90's.

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