Posted on 02/15/2017 at 05:18 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
I feel like Rockstar abandoned the original point of GTA, which used to be about having sandbox fun. From IV on, though, it's become rather pretentious, while not fixing a lot of the problems that have plagued the series throughout its run. But since that's what apparently sells, I guess that's what we're getting from now on.
As far as the meth lab plotline, Breaking Bad actually premiered that year, in January, so no, I didn't come up with it first. That said, I didn't hear about Breaking Bad until some years after its first season, so my storyline was a coincidence based on real life. I lived in Oklahoma, which for many years was one of the biggest hotbeds of meth labs. Incidentally, Oklahoma borders both Texas and New Mexico, where Breaking Bad is set. It was all too common on the news to hear of meth lab busts as well as the occasional meth lab explosion, mostly in poor neighborhoods or trailer parks, though there was the occasional bust in more affluent neighborhoods. In any case, meth labs turned the homes they were run from into miniature toxic waste sites, often with young kids living in them, while explosions contaminated whole neighborhoods. Oklahoma became one of the first states to implement the now-familiar laws requiring photo ID to purchase pseudoephedrine, a decongestant and key ingredient in home meth cooking. These laws originated in another state with rampant meth use, Tennessee. Meth lab busts dropped significantly in Oklahoma when the laws were implemented. However, since Texas didn't adopt these laws until later, meth cookers simply moved their operations from Oklahoma to Texas, or at least made trips to Texas to buy pseudoephedrine. I knew all too many people who sported the dental damage and the lisp associated with years of heavy methamphetamine smoking. :(