It's funny cause I saw that performance when it aired and everyone hated Katy Perry at the time for some reason, but the kid's dance took off.
It's funny cause I saw that performance when it aired and everyone hated Katy Perry at the time for some reason, but the kid's dance took off.
Guess we're about the same on God of War.
I did not know there was a DAH! 3.
Or maybe it's a Nic Cage type move (I'm gonna link to what I'm referencing, which could be tabloid bullshit, but could be not ... and is also 3 years old news, so who knows?):
Isn't James Hetfield a cop in an upcoming movie about Ted Bundy?
Already commented on your review of GRIS, but the reason it's called that is cause gris is Spanish for grey. I guess they're saying the world goes "grey" at the beginning and you have to add color and song back into it. If there's a deeper meaning than that, I missed it as well.
It (whichever Hitman game is on my PS4 now) was free for PS+ last month; COD and The Witness are this month's tites.
Is the first new one the free PS+ one from last month?
It's definitely peaceful in terms of gameplay, just not story. Definitely not recommending against playing it, I think you'd enjoy it as a short but sweet experience.