I would honestly imagine that to be the norm among most video game enthusiasts/players; these things are a real time sink in many cases, and if you don't feel like getting to the end, why should you, really?
I would honestly imagine that to be the norm among most video game enthusiasts/players; these things are a real time sink in many cases, and if you don't feel like getting to the end, why should you, really?
I read a Cracked article on this a week or so ago, or maybe only a few days ago. Honestly, I have about the same thoughts as you, but I'll make a decision when it's actually ready and I can see it myself. Of course, even if it's cool, it'll probably only be useful at night.
Love "Voodoo Chile," actually first heard it by way of a Stevie Ray Vaughn cover that was part of a set in his in Canada that PBS was playing for some reason.
Yeah, I put 1080 Snowboarding in "Null" because even if there's something to "beat," I'm never going to sit down and play it for anything but an exhibition.
In fact, I just remembered what you are talking about was discussed on a Crash Bandicoot episode of DidYouKNowGaming? on Youtube.
And now that's the drug-induced programming story I was looking for! lol And hey, if I'm two barely-existent freelance jobs from being on that unemployment line, wouldn't mind if someone just took me off "tha streets" to write some code, although I might eventually ask for more money. lol
I haven't watched Angry Joe in a while. The fact he lives in Austin. TX kind of ties this all together, though. lol
Well, leeradical42 has a point (http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/Americas-Drunkest-Cities/Austin-TX.php), although that's not the best of reasons to go there, I'd say the diversity of the place is a better reason to go, it is an awesome city. You can get drunk on most days in any U.S. city, especially ones with a nearby college, trust me. lol
Anyway, sounds like a fun game, now I'm going to check out this poorly textured rock review.
I guess they were talking about the 3D special stages, so never mind. It just wasn't clear because the bulk of Sonic CD is not in that perspective, while Sonic 3D is.
Normal Sonic CD stage
Special Sonic CD stage
Sonic 3D Blast stage
Anyway, that weed story is a bit tamer than what I thought they did, just cause weed is weed (and not cocaine),but I've never had a joint with a boss; the 70s sound awesome. lol
I think if being hardcore involves spending money on a disappointing piece of hardware when other legal alternatives exist, being hardcore is overrated.
They followed roughly the same formula, so I think you might feel similar about them, but they were a bit larger in scope in my mind, so I can't tell you that for sure.