That is precisely why I am avoiding as many games as possible in January and February. It is a hard choice to make, but I think in my situation it will be the right one.
That is precisely why I am avoiding as many games as possible in January and February. It is a hard choice to make, but I think in my situation it will be the right one.
I think it sounds like Michael Gambon, the guy who played Dumbledore.
I grabbed Valdis Story because it was cheap on the Steam Sale. I had to put it down quickly because I am not quite ready for that type of experience on my computer. I think my brother played through those PSP Star Ocean games but I dont remember if he actually finished any of them.
I am a little surprised at how content I am as far as videogames are concerned. There isn't really anything that I am dying for this winter... Just those big March releases, but by that point it is barely winter anymore.
Dishonored was one of my favourite games form 2012. I played through it twice in a row. First run was a stealth run that took 10 or so hours, then I just ran through the campaign in 5 hrs in a non-stealth run. I think that after playing stealthy it was so much fun to not give a crap and shoot everybody in the face.
Well, I don't have kids yet. I am sure that once they start coming I will be I the same boat as you.
This game looks awesome. I should probably pick it up at some point. Especially since Killzone and Call of Duty arent doing it for me on the multiplayer front.
If you are an acheivement whore, stay away. He updates and adds more acheivements often enough that there may never be an end...
You have a way with words that makes me chuckle. Thank you Mr Joe Step.
It isn't a competition, you finish what you finish. I finish what I finish. Just as long as we enjoy.