Posted on 05/03/2013 at 10:05 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I'm disappointed people apparently don't like the new TMNT game, I thought it looked good. Oh well. Wait ... no, it was Out of the Shadows I thought looked good, never mind. So many turtle beat-em-ups! lol Well, I'm glad YOU enjoyed Re-Shelled, at any rate.
As for Dragon's Crown, the graphics look good, but ... ok, I know V4Viewtiful had a blog about the Kotaku guy's take on the Sorceress figure, but seeing it in action, those boob physics are like Team Ninja-style ridiculous, it's a bit distracting. lol Oh well. Those spell animations do look really cool, though.
I've only seen the Scott Pilgrim movie, which I liked, but didn't love like a lot of other people I know, but I guess I'd like the game or comics.
And Borderlands 2 and COD I know very little about really. Have a nice day.