I was mainly playing there good classics especially road rash which i wish i could find.
I was mainly playing there good classics especially road rash which i wish i could find.
Well you have good freinds and remeber were your freinds here as well ( just internet freinds ) but freinds all the same :)
Tami im so sorry for your lost, 60 is actually not that old but it sounds like you all are finding a good way to deal with your greif, its never easy loosing people in your life. :~(
Yes its actually very good some of the puzzles are crazy hard but the reveiws are real good see for yourself follow the link.
And of course you pick a bunch of games you cant sell me on well except road rash which although dated was a great game man i was really hoping you were going to throw some 360 games out there. It seems like the 360 is the minority system, by the way i got The Testament of Sherlock Holmes by Atlus on the 360 its a point and click adventure game which i enjoy and have not seen besides CSI series but you may like it.
Ok so this is where me and you will disagree in beer, Heineken is a very skunky beer which i like maybe it contributes from my younger smoking days lol!! But one thing you pointed out and i believe is true is that almost all skunk beers come in green bottles and i would be curious to know why lol!! But anyway i do like skunk beer although i dont really drink Heineken now like i did as i got older i do still like skunk beer but i will stick with Grolshe then this one, great reveiw as always.
You sound like me Joe im drifting myself lol i cant remember when i get more time i will ck lol!! Now its bothering me ha ha!!
I think Microsoft has a memory card to store things on which is a lot cheaper the HD wich might by you some room.
So how do ya like enemy unknown i freaking loved it.
Lol yea i suppose your right.