I am a little worried about Dragon Age Inquisition. I hope that it is great. I have no doubt that The Witcher 3 is going to be great. It should be amazing even if they are able to fulfill half of the things that they are trying to do with the game.
I am a little worried about Dragon Age Inquisition. I hope that it is great. I have no doubt that The Witcher 3 is going to be great. It should be amazing even if they are able to fulfill half of the things that they are trying to do with the game.
The only one that I would add at the top of this list is The Witcher 3. Otherwise I am looking forward to all of these games.
Hmmm... interesting, very interesting.
I do really want FFX, but I already have a dozen or so rpgs on my Vita. all of which I have not actually played.
Well, I am sure that I will mention them again. I am a massive doctor who fan.
Well, when you have a drought of games in the first 6 or so months of a consoles life you latch onto any game, like Saints Row, no matter how terrible it is.
Grand Theft Auto hasn't really been my cup of tea since GTA2. Weird I know. I would be more inclined to play Saint's Row over GTA V, but I haven't played the series since the first game oh so many years ago.
As far as computery action RPGs. I dont like the clicking part. I liked Torchlight and those types of games on consoles, but on PC they just aren't my thing. It's the controller thing.
I have only played three of these games, Guacamelee, Rayman and Assassins Creed. Four of them I hope to play sometime this year, Brothers, Rogue Legacy, Shadow Warrior and The Stanley Parable. The other three? well I guess they do not interest me.
I do still need to play Rayman Legumes a lot more, but the couple of levels that I have played proved to me that you are correct in saying that it is the best 2D platformer of this past generation.(I may need to revise this statement if I find can remember a different one) Mario's 2D offerings of late have been great, but not fantastic. I don't even think that they are really part of the core Mario series. The 3D entries are amazing though.
The biggest reason that I have gotten hooked on the Big Finish audio adventures is because the first 50 in the Doctor Who monthly range are $3 apiece...
I do the same.