OFP Dragon Rising and Red River is on the 360 and personally im really enjoying them of course everything is better on the pc.
OFP Dragon Rising and Red River is on the 360 and personally im really enjoying them of course everything is better on the pc.
Well being im not a pc gamer i have to take what i can get.
Wow thats interesting IGN said fictional but hey that looks about right in the game lol!! Yea these kind of fps games are not for everyone because like i said one misplaced shot and its game over and when i play these games it really give you a sense of what are armed forces really go through and thats scary as hell.
Snee this is a military sim no call of duty here, this is as far from CoD as you can get cause i cant stand that genere battlefield,modern warfare very unrealistic so you may like this one cause one hit to the head and its game over.
This one i missed and actually would have liked to try it, it looks good to me of course ilove old school rpgs, good reveiw as always.
Well maybe im being generous but in reality i dont see how the Wii U will be able to hold up against Microsoft and Sony i feel they have missed there window because why release all your big guns at the same time Sony and Microsoft launch there systems and software im sorry bu like i said Nintendo may have the handheld market but the Wii U is doomed to fail.
I totally agree with you Grayhaired the main buyers of Nintendo are Dads and Moms and Grandparents buying for there youngsters and with a name like Wii U well hell when it first was anounced i didnt know what it was so i can totally see the confusion Nintendo either need to go back to there old marketing skills or at least make it clear to nongamers what there getting.
Heres a link that tells you how to access it.
From what i heard theres a trap door in one of the lower levels thats gets you to the dlc and they say to be over a 100 before even thinking of going down to it.
Thats one cool feature i miss with pc gaming and thats mods yes mods make any game better, and im sure skyrim is the shit all modded out :p