Glad to hear your still alive bud! For a second there I thought you might have drank a bad dose of Barrel Brew! No, not really lol. Take care of your business and don't worry about us.
Glad to hear your still alive bud! For a second there I thought you might have drank a bad dose of Barrel Brew! No, not really lol. Take care of your business and don't worry about us.
I've only played TimeSplitters in the arcades. It didn't remind me of COD at all lol. I never could get into that generic military crap. There are so many FPS games out there that it's got to be some crazy, insane nonsense for me to spend my time with it.
Trefingers! I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures! For Final Fantasy anyway. I never could get into the Dragon Quest series. FF V is the only one that I have yet to beat. I didn't realize the load times were that bad on the ps1 version. I remember them being utterly atrocious on the ps1 version of IV and VI though lol. I wouldn't even want to change my equiptment it was so bad. Chrono Trigger too.
I hope they bring this series back someday. They FINALLY made a good Double Dragon game, so I don't see why they couldn't. Leveling up attributes sounds like a fantastic idea! I'd buy it day one as long as they put Blaze is in there lol.
I love the first Parasite Eve. I'm playing it again right now lol. This game freaked me out when I first played it. Especially the opera scenes at the begininng. I had never seen something like that in a game. I have beaten it many times, but never did go through the Chrysler building. I was planning on reviewing it someday.
That's cool Surf! That box art is great. I never had any video game based cereals. I did however eat some of this way back when...
I always pitied the fool that didn't eat this cereal! Sorry... I had to say it lol.
I never played Twin Snakes. I love the ps1 version of MGS though. It's such a classic game. Sometimes I say the first is my favorite while other times it's MGS 3. All I know for sure is expect a visit from GH lol.
GOTY editions are great. I couldn't get into Borderlands. I tried, believe me. I think it'd be a lot more fun if you play with friends. Random people online suck lol. Everybody was running off doing their own thing. There was no teamwork whatsoever! Isn't that the whole point of the game?
I suffer from Insommnia too. So I know what that's like. I hope you get to feeling better Julian!
That's really neat GH! I'll have to try and find some of these. I wish I had Twin Snakes on Gamecube. I was reallly late to this series, and didn't buy it untill they released that collector's set or whatever on ps2.