Thanks, having a lot of spare time on my hands certainly helped with that. Hopefully you don't have that much further to go 'til the end, good luck!
Thanks, having a lot of spare time on my hands certainly helped with that. Hopefully you don't have that much further to go 'til the end, good luck!
I tried my best to avoid using a guide while I was playing, though I couldn't help it towards the end. Unfortunately, I started using them a little too late and had to play through the game a second time to get the ending I wanted but I thought it was worth it.
That laptop sure does look nice, congrats.
This is kind of how I feel after getting that SMT/FE eShop credit, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already. Have fun with those games!
From the videos I've seen that DuckTales game looks good, really hope you have a blast with it!
Thanks for reminding me about Luigi's Mansion and Donkey Kong Country Returns, I still haven't gotten them yet. Looks like my plan to pick up a few albums is gonna be put on hold yet again.
*Cue broken record*
I really want to get my hands on this game, but- *record scratch*
I FINALLY GOT ANIMAL CROSSING!!! Arcadia is still in it's infant stages but I'm proud of my work so far.
It'll probably take me a while before I get SMT 4, but hopefully not before I can take advantage of that sweet promotional $30 eShop credit since I already have Fire Emblem.
That's quite the pile you're building up there. I'm sorely tempted to get Project X Zone but I promised myself that I'd get Animal Crossing as soon as I can.
Wish I could see the whole menu, it looks like I'm barely getting cheese-like spread and saltine Internet at the moment, but what I saw was pretty interesting.
Good Luck!