I honestly don't think Tecmo Koei advertises anything tbh. They seem worse than Sony and Konami combined at this point.
I honestly don't think Tecmo Koei advertises anything tbh. They seem worse than Sony and Konami combined at this point.
Well if you get a Vita :P
I really really liked Ayesha, just beat it today. My favorite game in the series.
I was fucking shocked to see this on the shop today, No media outlet knew anything about it. Not really sure what Tecmo was thinking with this one. Why anyone would just throw a game out there like this is beyond me.
Yeah its fairly traditional turn-based combat. It relies heavily on item management too.
if you buy Madness Returns new you'll get the first one with it as DLC. So if you can find it new on Amazon go with that then,
Big boobs never got in the way of anything :P I'll think of checking that stuff out the games were literally my first experience with Alice in Wonderland outside of Disney anyways
It's $20 on PSN and it comes with the DLC too (some costumes and weapons)
Now that you remembered you should go play it
it's on both games on demand, and PSN for 20 dollars