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Super Step's Comments - Page 1403

Spring Cleaning Part II: GLaD 29: Donkey Kong 64 & Jus for Fun Friday

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 07:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hmmm... lol.

Easter Update

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 05:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Look forward to the articles, but I'm going to avoid watching that food show, as my addiction is bad enough. lol That and your track mention remind me I need to go for my walk.

Happy Easter!

Game collection...

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 05:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Pfft. Go look at mine, and you'll see why I'm not berating you for lack of retro titles. I'd add more to Game Boy, NES, SNES, PSX, and PS2 if all those systems weren't my older brother's. lol You already have literally twice the number of games I do, and I see only older consoles from you at the moment. I think you got me beat. haha

Happy Easter!

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 05:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Happy Easter to you as well. No WTF looks here! lol

Olympus Has Fallen: 'Murrca and CGI

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 03:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Did not know that. I don't really pay attention to FPS, so I only knew of the game's name, but not what it was about. I commented on a blog just a few minutes ago that noticed a lot of White House under siege movies, seems to be a theme. lol

Happy Easter!

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 03:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Couldn't quite get into that first song, but that might be my speakers' fault. Only one works for the left channel where I sit, so maybe the ambient nature of that song from what I'm hearing will work better with some headphones.

I definitely hear what you're saying on "Don't Stop Believin'" though, I have a passionate distaste for its Glee cover. Much prefer the original, can't stand that "safe for Big Lots radio" Glee version. I guess they're voices technically are good, but it just doesn't match the passion of Perry and the band.

Man, I really need to play all the Bioshocks if I ever get something to play them on.That game sounds awesome. Can't speak on Walking Dead, haven't seen it or read the comics, as I'm not a huge zombie fan, to be honest. I liked Hot Fuzz more than Shaun of the Dead, and I liked Zombieland mostly cause Woody Harrelson played a modern day cowboy. lol

As for Easter, I'm not much of a church goer myself for different reasons, but it certainly is a nice day for family and fun, and kids love Easter Eggs! My mom made some sweets for today, which look tasty; damn my diet! lol It's definitely nice out where I am, which is why I'm opting to walk to the gym today. Might be closed, but either way, I get my walk in, and enjoy this beautiful weather.

Happy Easter!

Olympus Has Fallen: 'Murrca and CGI

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 03:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I imagine if you liked GI Joe, you'll like this. Especially since you get to see a Scot being the most badass character. lol

What I've been up to

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 03:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've been meaning to listen to that Daft Punk album and see if I want to get it.

I was looking at Boston College when I was a senior in high school. Sadly, that never really panned out, nor did TCU, but oh well; my SAT and ACT scores were too low for BC anyway, but my grades and tests were more than enough for TCU (1900 and 26), ony it was way too expensive. That reminds me, I need to get my college diploma framed. lol'

Hope your sister finds something great, Boston is an awesome city! Finally found some of my crap from there when I visited.

Does Hollywood hate the Government/Washington this year?

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 03:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I definitely don't think Olympus has Fallen hates America, is anything it's a love letter to Uncle Sam (saw it last night; corny as hell), and I'd imagine the new GI Joe movie will be as well. Haven't really seen anything about White House Down, and World War Z is based on a zombie book, isn't it? I see your point though, that's a lot of White House raiding for one summer/year! I guess they figure, hey Independence Day had a famous White House obliteration scene and was a huge success, let's pump out more of those kinds of movies! They're also capitalizing on recent tensions between us and other countries, but honestly I don't feel very threatened by the North Koreans that keep being the bad guys in these things. China would have been a much better enemy, which is probably why Hollywood is scared to piss them off.

It's just the Hollywood way with everything. Dark Batman worked? Make ALL our superheroes dark! People like the White House being under siege then a ragtag group or one man army retaliates and kicks a bunch of ass? Of course they do, make fourty!

Spring Cleaning Success... Mostly!

Posted on 03/31/2013 at 02:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have a terrible memory too, so I don't remember if you said that or not either. IN any case, now I've got to go and try to get that score! haha

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