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Super Step's Comments - Page 1411

Off beat Thursday! Just something to do!

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 04:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Don't have a Vita and country's not usually my thing, so can't comment on much, except that I liked the last two videos; Barefoot Manner was very relaxing and has some nice guitar work, and the two guys in the last video seem very charming and look like they're having fun. I'm always up for a funny song, too.

Where I've Been and What I've Been Up To

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 04:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think I know what you mean about the QTE controls. I played a demo of Ocarina of Time for 3DS at Best Buy today, and the sword was set to B, which is on the bottom of the "square" of buttons. I thought that felt unnatural, as I always set weapons and such to the button on the left, what would be square on a Playstation controller, the bottom to jump, the top to anything that goes into first person to aim, and the right to whatever the hell I care least about, cause pressing that one always feels natural anyway. I find that games break up the familiarity of the controls for segments like that, so it's refreshing to hear Tomb Raider doesn't.

Sorry work's been such a hassle. If it makes you feel any better, I'm going insane in the periods between when work calls me and need another job to fill the gaps. I don't know why that would make you feel better, but just know that I'm also suffering, just in the opposite fashion, I guess? lol Your job sounds like it requires a lot of expertise though, I'm a Production Assistant which basically translates to monkey that does whatever we need right this second, last week it was building grills for a shoot.

Have a good one, nice to see you back.

GLaD 27: Ghost Trick, 999, or Hotel Dusk? & Wax Lyrical Wednesday

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 03:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love that, as well as "Skyscraper" on piano. I want a compilation of acoustic stuff from them.

Empire Strikes First is such a great album, arguably their best from the 2000s, amd Gray Race has one of my favorite songs in "Drunk Sincerity." Thanks for helping me narrow down ideas for songs to post in that blog later. lol

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is revealed.

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 01:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Saw the video on V4Viewtiful's blog earlier; I legitimately thought it was coming for PS4 until you said it will be on PS3/360 Surprised Looks incredible!

Digging the Riot, favorite song by them is probably "Swords and Tequila." Love them.

I liked "My Destiny" as well, though I do with the lead singer had a more powerful voice. It's a nice, melodic, and on-key voice, don't get me wrong, I just thought she could give it a bit more "oomph." Still a nice track, though, overall.

Retro Rampage: New Season Coming Soon!

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That was helpful, thanks! Smile

Random Update 3/27/13, the birthday edition

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Mine either. lol

MIA: DK64, OoT, 1080, Several CDs; Spring Cleaning Leads to Despair

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh man, those are all classics, that sucks! I've never played Partners in Time or Punch Out! (we had an NES, but I remember hearing way more about it from old Simpsons episodes than anywhere else), but I've heard nothing but good things, had a great time watching my friend play Super Mario RPG in middle school, loved beating Minish Cap when I rented it, and still have my copy of Fusion in the GBA Player on my Gamecube. I'd be salty about that, too, that's rough.

I hope they turn up when you move as well, and thanks for wishing me the same. Blue is really just for nostalgia's sake, but man, I was addicted to Pinball. I'm still not entirely sure I ever actually owned that, or just vividly remember renting Gameboy Color a bunch of times to play it, but I kind of doubt my parents would have gone for that.

Hope it all works out for us both!

MIA: DK64, OoT, 1080, Several CDs; Spring Cleaning Leads to Despair

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm obsessive about keeping all the stuff together and in order now, but I had and played my N64 mostly between the ages of seven to eleven, so that stuff was bound to get lost in the shuffle for as much as I cared about those boxes. It's just the disorganization of a lot of the crap in my room has been driving me insane lately, and I also decided this affects anything of mine in that ancient game room of ours. lol

I love that Tool CD and I always appreciate when CD cases are made with style like that. I got annoyed seeing that my copy of The Sickness by Disturbed was just a jewel case with what amounts to one piece of paper folded in half and the CD. That one's also a good CD music-wise, but whenever I see stuff like that I just go "awww, c;mon!" Oh well, whenever I dig through my closet, that Tool case will stick out like a sore thumb, cause actual effort was put into its packaging.

Is this manual thief a literal one? I'm not entirely sure if you're joking. haha I do like having the manuals for games though, they feel incomplete without them in terms of packaging.

MIA: DK64, OoT, 1080, Several CDs; Spring Cleaning Leads to Despair

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think I'll save apeshit mode for when I actually turn the house upside down and still don't find these; right now, there's hope. lol

I'm most upset about Donkey Kong 64 missing, cause I was looking forward to playing it again the most.

GLaD 27: Ghost Trick, 999, or Hotel Dusk? & Wax Lyrical Wednesday

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Looks like it's frequently bought with Hotel Dusk and its sequel according to Amazon, so I assume it's similar. Thanks for the suggestion!

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